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Re: 980317: C++ interfaces to netCDF

>To: address@hidden
>cc: address@hidden
>From: Joe Van Andel <address@hidden>
>Subject: C++ interfaces to netCDF
>Organization: National Center for Atmospheric Research
>Keywords: 199803172157.OAA03024

Hi Joe,

> I just picked up the latest (3.4) version of netCDF.  I see that the C++
> interface still uses the netCDF version 2 compatability layer.
> I'm interested in getting the best possible performance from netCDF,
> using the C++ interface.  Therefore,  I'd like to make use of the
> performance tuning parameters in nc__open() and nc__create().
> Unless one of you is planning to convert the C++ interface soon, I will
> volunteer to do the conversion, which I'd submit to you for validation
> and eventual release.
> If I let the user supply optional, defaulted parameters to the
> constructor, users can use the
> tuning parameters through C++, or default to the behavior provided by
> nc_open() and nc_create().
> Let me know your reaction to this plan.

That sounds great, thanks!

> - -- 
> Joe VanAndel                    Internet: address@hidden
> National Center for     http://www.atd.ucar.edu/~vanandel/
> Atmospheric Research



Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                     http://www.unidata.ucar.edu