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Re: 970430: Small bug on aFTP-Server (netcdf.tar.Z)

>To: address@hidden
>From: Jens Schleusener <address@hidden>
>Subject: Small bug on aFTP-Server (netcdf.tar.Z)
>Organization: DLR (German Aerospace Research Establishment)
>Keywords: 199704301045.EAA05381

Hi Jens,

> I just looked for the newest release of netcdf on the aFTP server
>   ftp.unidata.ucar.edu:/pub/netcdf
> There exists a file
>   netcdf.tar.Z
> that points (symbolic link ?) to the unexistent file
>   netcdf-3.0.tar.Z
> That should be probably netcdf-3.3a.tar.Z or netcdf-2.4.3.tar.Z ?

Yes, it should have been a symbolic link to netcdf-2.4.3.tar.Z, our
latest released version.  The netcdf-3.3a.tar.Z file is a prerelease of
netCDF-3, for which we hope to have a real release very soon.

Thanks for pointing out the problem.



Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                     http://www.unidata.ucar.edu