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Russ Rew: Re: netCDF Java Interface


Here's a note I just CC:ed to Shandran at FSL (he's
address@hidden), among others ...


------- Forwarded Message

Date:    Tue, 29 Apr 1997 13:23:46 -0600
From:    Russ Rew <address@hidden>
To:      Tom LeFebvre <address@hidden>
cc:      davis, address@hidden, address@hidden,
         address@hidden, address@hidden, address@hidden,
Subject: Re: netCDF Java Interface 

Hi Tom,

> At the risk of being a pest, any word when the Java interface might be
> released?  I'll repeat our previous offer... We'd love to be a beta
> test site, if you're interested.

I should have let you know sooner about a change in our schedules and
plans.  I had done quite a bit of work on Joe Sirott's read-only Java
code but suspended work on it, because the netCDF-3 release is currently
behind schedule.  We can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and
should have a netCDF-3 release available soon.

After we release netCDF-3, our top priority will be making a Java
package for netCDF data access available.  The good news is that Glenn
Davis will be working on this as well, and he's already implemented a
prototype read-write version of netCDF in 100% Java.  So we have two
different interfaces and implementations that need to be reconciled, and
I expect the result will benefit from the best features of both.  

We also plan on using RMI to provide distributed data access to netCDF
data, but it will be based on JDK 1.1, rather than the 1.0.2
implementation with pre-release RMI that Joe Sirott used in his design
and implementation, still available from


I'm CC:ing people I know who have expressed interest in the availability
of Java netCDF, and will include everyone I've CC:ed on future
announcements of early access to test versions.  We may also be asking
you for your opinions on some interface issues.  Please let me know if
you want to be taken off this list, or if you know anyone else who would
be interested in helping us test an early release.

Thanks for your interest and patience ...

- --Russ


Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                     http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

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