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Re: 961017: netcdf instalation problem

>To: address@hidden
>cc: address@hidden (Christof Appenzeller)
>From: Christof Appenzeller <address@hidden>
>Subject: netcdf instalation problem
>Organization: University of Bern
>Keywords: 199610171326.AA25883

Hi Christof,

> I try to install netCDF on a alpha in my directory (without C++ option).
> when running make all the following error occured.

From the output you sent, it appears that you did not specify that the
C++ interface should not be built and tested, because the output of the
"configure" script is using a "CC" compiler for C++:

> checking for C++ compiler... CC

but then no CC is found when you invoke "make all":

> making `all' in directory /usr/users/christof/netcdf/netcdf-2.4.3/src/cxx
> CC -c  -I../libsrc   netcdf.cc
> CC: No such file or directory

Did you include the line


in your CUSTOMIZE file or as an environment variable definition before
invoking the "configure script"?  

From the symptoms you sent, it appears as if you have


in your CUSTOMIZE file instead, which would specify that "CC" is to be
used as the C++ compiler.

Please make sure your CUSTOMIZE file has CXX="", then

 - make clean
 - remove the config.cache file
 - invoke the configure script again
 - continue with the installation (make all, make test, make install)

Please let us know if you still see problems.

(The error messages in config.log that you sent are expected, because
the configure script generates errors in the process of determining the
compilation environment before generating Makefiles, so you can ignore


Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                     http://www.unidata.ucar.edu