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Unidata Support: 960517: netCDF installation

>To: address@hidden
>From: zero <address@hidden>
>Subject: netCDF installation
>Organization: Instituto Oceanografico da USP
>Keywords: 199605171428.AA25758

Hi Jose,

I'm forwarding your question to Barry Schwartz, the author of the gennet.f
package, since the error message you received is from a program generated
by that package.  The gennet.f program is not part of the netCDF software,
but is instead a user-contributed program that we make available but do not
have the resources to support.

If you or Barry Schwartz find that the problem is caused by a netCDF bug
that can be duplicated in a small test program, we would be happy to
investigate further.


Russ Rew                                           UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                              http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

------- Forwarded Message

Date:    Fri, 17 May 1996 09:18:13 -0600
From:    Unidata Support <address@hidden>
To:      address@hidden
Subject: 960517: netCDF installation

   Mr. Rew,
        I'm a brazilian researcher working at LHICO (Laboratorio de 
Hidrodinamica costeira) from USP (Universidade de Sao Paulo).
        I'm working in a subproject of the WOCE, analysing some current 
data collected from three current moorings released offshore Santos (24S 
- - -45W). I would like to get some meteorological data from Reanalysis 
Project to improve the data analysis.
        My problem is that I'm not getting success on reading the netCDF 
data files.
        I'm working oon a Sun workstation (SunOS 5.5 Generic sun4m sparc 
SUNW SPARC station -20), and my fortran compiler is the Sparc compiler 
version 2.0/3.0. I had compiled a program for data reading (gennet.f - 
from Barry Schwartz <address@hidden>. This program read a netCDF 
data file and generates a code for data reading. When I try to execute 
the program (after compiling) I rceive this message:

       *** TERMINATING <program>
       *** RECEIVED signal 11

       Possible attempt to modify constant

     (I don't know where is it from, what about you?)

and after some seconds the program is aborted, sending the message

       Segmentation fault (core dumped) 
     (this is a FORTRAN message)

      I've already tryed to reinstall the netCDF package several times 
and the problem wasn't solved yet(always the same message appears). I'm 
contacting you to check if you could give some help.
      If you wish some extra information, please contact me at

   address@hidden   or   address@hidden

       Thank you for your attention.
                                  Jose Roberto Moreira

------- End of Forwarded Message