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960507: try netcdf-2.4.2 under Linux

Dear Youcheng Zhang,

> Date:    Sat, 04 May 1996 18:12:11 -0500
> From:    Youcheng Zhang <address@hidden>
> To:      Russ Rew <address@hidden>
> cc:      address@hidden
> Subject: Re: try netcdf-2.4.2 under Linux 

In the above message you wrote:

> I send you the following as attachment
> config1.log ------- config.log 
> config1.status ---- config.status 
> config1_out ------- the output by running configure
> Makefile_1 -------- the top level Makefile
> log_1 ------------- the output by make -n all
> note: the number 1 indicate all the files generated
> by netcdf-2.4.1, the version I had compiled successfully
> (before got "Segmentation fault" by "make clean")
> I use the following line to invoke configure:
> CC=gcc CPPFLAGS= CXX=g++ FC="" XDR=/usr/lib/libc.a 
> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local.
> The linux version I have is Slackware 3.0 with
> kernel 1.2.13
> gcc 2.70

It appears that GNU make(1) is unhappy with our master makefile,
port/master.mk.in.  I've modified this file and enclosed the new
version.  I suggest you try the following:

    1.  Go to the top-level, netCDF source directory.

    2.  Replace the file port/master.mk.in with the enclosed version.

    3.  Execute the command `./config.status'.

    4.  If the above succeeds, then execute the command `make install'.
        Trap all the output in case something goes wrong.

    5.  If the above succeeds, then execute the command `make clean'.

Please let me know if this helps.

Steve Emmerson   <address@hidden>

--------Begin port/master.mk.in
# This is the master makefile.  It contains general rules.
# $Id: master.mk.in,v 1.31 1996/05/07 15:14:13 steve Exp $

.SUFFIXES:      .so .o .S .ln .i .c .fc .f .F .cc .l .y .cdl .nc .sh

# General Macros:
prefix          = @prefix@
exec_prefix     = @exec_prefix@
AR              = @AR@
CC              = @CC@
CPP             = @CPP@
CXX             = @CXX@
FC              = @FC@
LINT            = lint
LINTFLAGS       = -u
NCDUMP          = @NCDUMP@
NCGEN           = @NCGEN@
NEQN            = @NEQN@
OS              = @OS@
SHELL           = /bin/sh
TBL             = @TBL@
WHICH           = @WHICH@

# Recursive make(1)s in Subdirectories:

subdir_dummy_target $(SUBDIR_TARGETS):
        @echo ""
        @dir=`echo $@ | sed 's,/.*,,'`; \
            target=`echo $@ | sed "s,$$dir/,,"`; \
            cd $$dir && \
            echo "making \`$$target' in directory `pwd`" && \
            echo "" && \
            $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) \
                prefix=$(prefix) exec_prefix=$(exec_prefix) \
                $$target || exit 1
        @echo ""
        @echo "returning to directory `pwd`"
        @echo ""

subdirs/all \
subdirs/test \
subdirs/install \
subdirs/clean \
subdirs/distclean:      FORCE
        @case "$(SUBDIRS)" in \
            '') ;; \
            *)  filename=`echo $@ | sed 's:.*/::'`; \
                targets=`echo $(SUBDIRS) | tr ' ' '\012' | \
                    sed 's:$$:/'$$filename':'`; \
                $(MAKE) $$targets;; \

# Compilation:
FORTC           = @FORTC@

# Compile C++ code.
        $(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(CXXCPPFLAGS) $<

# Compile FORTRAN code.
        $(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $<
        ln -s $< $*.c && \
            ($(CPP) -DUD_FORTRAN_SOURCE $(CPPFLAGS) $*.c >$*.i && \
            sed '/^# *[0-9]/d' $*.i > $*.f) || \
            (rm -f $*.f $*.i $*.c ; exit 1) && \
            rm $*.i
        $(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $*.f && rm $*.f $*.c
        ln -s $< $*.c && \
            ($(CPP) -DUD_FORTRAN_SOURCE $(CPPFLAGS) $*.c >$*.i && \
            grep -v '^#' $*.i > $@) || \
            (rm -f $@ $*.i $*.c; exit 1) && \
            rm $*.i $*.c
        ln -s $< $*.c && \
            $(CPP) -DUD_FORTRAN_SOURCE $(CPPFLAGS) $*.c >$*.i

# Generate FORTRAN-callable C code.
        $(FORTC) -O $(OS) $< > $*.c \
            || ( rm -f $*.c; exit 1)
        $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $*.c
        $(FORTC) -O $(OS) $< > $@ \
            || (rm -f $*.c; exit 1)

# Compile assembler code.
        $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $<

# Compile C code.
        $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $<

# Compile lex(1) code.  This rule is here to ensure the use of CPPFLAGS.
        rm -f $*.c
        $(LEX) -t $< > $*.c
        $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $*.c
        rm $*.c

# C preprocess.  
#   NB: 
#       1. Line numbering information is kept.
        $(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) $< > $@

        $(NCGEN) -o $*.nc $*.cdl

        cp $< $@; chmod +x $@

# Lint:
        $(LINT) -c $(LINTFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $<

# Libraries:
RANLIB          = @RANLIB@
LIBDIR          = $(exec_prefix)/lib
LIB_A           = lib$(LIBRARY).a
LIBFILE         = dummy-libfile         # to silence GNU make(1)

library:                $(LIB_A)

remote_library:         $(REMOTE_LIBRARY)

# The following rule is forced because the library can be created by a
# makefile in another directory prior to the execution of the following rule.
$(LIB_A):               $(LIBOBJS) $(LIBOBJS2) FORCE
        $(AR) rcuv $@ $(LIBOBJS)
        case "$(LIBOBJS2)" in \
        '') ;; \
        *)  $(AR) rucv $@ $(LIBOBJS2);; \
        $(RANLIB) $@

# The following rule is for those makefiles needing to install object
# modules in a library in another directory.  They need only define 
# REMOTE_LIBRARY and LIBOBJS.  The rule is forced for the same reason as the
# $(LIB_A) rule.
        $(AR) rcuv $@ $(LIBOBJS)
        $(RANLIB) $@

installed_libfiles:     FORCE
        @if [ -n "$(LIBFILES)" ]; then \
            libfiles="$(LIBFILES)"; \
            for libfile in $$libfiles; do \
                $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) \
                    LIBDIR=$(LIBDIR) LIBFILE=$$libfile \
                    installed_libfile || exit 1; \
            done; \
        else \
            :; \

installed_library:      FORCE
        @$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) \
            LIBDIR=$(LIBDIR) LIBFILE=$(LIB_A) \

# The following target decouples the previous targets from the actual rule;
# thus, eliminating extraneous make(1) messages.
installed_libfile:      $(LIBDIR)/$(LIBFILE)

        cp $(LIBFILE) $@

dummy_libdir $(LIBDIR):
        mkdir -p $@
        chmod u+rwx,g+rws,o=rx $@

LIB_SO          = lib$(LIBRARY).so.$(MAJOR_NO).$(MINOR_NO)
LIB_SA          = lib$(LIBRARY).sa.$(MAJOR_NO).$(MINOR_NO)

#library:               FORCE
#       @so_objs=`echo $(LIBOBJS) | sed 's/\.o/.so/g'`; \
#       if [ -z "$$so_objs" ]; then \
#           :; \
#       else \
#           $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(LIB_SO) \
#               SO_OBJS="$$so_objs"; \
#       fi
#       @if [ -z "$(SA_OBJS)" ]; then \
#           :; \
#       else \
#           $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(LIB_SA); \
#       fi

$(LIB_SO):      $(SO_OBJS)
        ld -assert pure-text $(SO_OBJS) -o $@
$(LIB_SA):      $(SA_OBJS) FORCE
        $(AR) rcuv $@ $(SA_OBJS)

        $(FORTC) -O $(OS) $< > $*.c \
            || (rm -f $*.c; exit 1)
        $(CC) -c -o $$$$.o -pic $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $*.c \
            || (rm -f $$$$.o; exit 1)
        mv $$$$.o $@
        $(CC) -c -o $$$$.o -pic $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $< \
            || (rm -f $$$$.o; exit 1)
        mv $$$$.o $@

#installed_library:     $(LIBDIR)/$(LIB_SO)
#       @if [ -z "$(SA_OBJS)" ]; then \
#           :; \
#       else \
#           $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(LIBDIR)/$(LIB_SA); \
#       fi

$(LIBDIR)/dummy.so $(LIBDIR)/$(LIB_SO): $(LIBDIR) $(LIB_SO)
        cp $(LIB_SO) $(LIBDIR)/$(LIB_SO)
$(LIBDIR)/dummy.sa $(LIBDIR)/$(LIB_SA): $(LIBDIR) $(LIB_SA)
        cp $(LIB_SA) $(LIBDIR)/$(LIB_SA)

# Programs:
BINDIR          = $(exec_prefix)/bin
BINFILE         = dummy-binfile

programs:       $(PROGRAMS)
        @if [ -z "$(PROGRAM)" ]; then \
            : true; \
        else \
            $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(PROGRAM); \

dummy_prog $(PROGRAM):  $(OBJS)
        @if [ -r $@.f -o -r $@.F ]; then \
            ld='$(FC) -o $@ $(FFLAGS)'; \
        elif [ -r $@.cc -o -r $@.C ]; then \
            ld='$(CXX) -o $@ $(CXXFLAGS)'; \
        else \
            ld='$(CC) -o $@ $(CFLAGS)'; \
        fi; \
        cmd="$$ld $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJS) $(LIBS)"; \
        echo $$cmd; \
        $$cmd \
            || (rm -f $@; exit 1)

installed_programs:     FORCE
        @$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) installed_binfiles \

installed_binfiles:     FORCE
        @if [ -n "$(BINFILES)" ]; then \
            binfiles="$(BINFILES)"; \
            for binfile in $$binfiles; do \
                $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) \
                    BINDIR=$(BINDIR) BINFILE=$$binfile \
                    installed_binfile || exit 1; \
            done; \
        else \
            :; \

installed_program:      FORCE
        @$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) \

# The following target decouples the previous targets from the actual rule;
# thus, eliminating extraneous make(1) messages.
installed_binfile:      $(BINDIR)/$(BINFILE)

        cp $(BINFILE) $@

dummy_bindir $(BINDIR):
        mkdir -p $@
        chmod u+rwx,g+rws,o=rx $@

$(PROGRAM).pure:        $(OBJS)
        purify -best-effort $(PURIFYFLAGS) $(CC) -o $@ \
            $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJS) $(LIBS)

pure:   purify

purify:         $(PROGRAM).pure FORCE
        $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) PROGRAM=$(PROGRAM).pure test.pure.out

# Header files:
INCDIR          = $(prefix)/include
HEADER          = dummy-header          # to silence GNU make(1)

installed_headers:      FORCE
        @if [ -n "$(HEADERS)" ]; then \
            headers="$(HEADERS)"; \
            for header in $$headers; do \
                $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) \
                    INCDIR=$(INCDIR) HEADER=$$header \
                    installed_header || exit 1; \
            done; \
        else \
            :; \

# The following target decouples the previous targets from the actual rule;
# thus, eliminating extraneous make(1) messages.
installed_header:       $(INCDIR)/$(HEADER)

        cp $(HEADER) $@

dummy_incdir $(INCDIR):
        mkdir -p $@
        chmod u+rwx,g+rws,o=rx $@

# `etc/' files:
ETCDIR  = $(prefix)/etc
ETCFILE = dummy-etcfile         # to silence GNU make(1)

        @if [ -n "$(ETCFILES)" ]; then \
            etcfiles="$(ETCFILES)"; \
            for etcfile in $$etcfiles; do \
                $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) \
                    ETCDIR=$(ETCDIR) ETCFILE=$$etcfile \
                    installed_etcfile || exit 1; \
            done; \
        else \
            :; \

# The following target decouples the previous targets from the actual rule;
# thus, eliminating extraneous make(1) messages.
installed_etcfile:      $(ETCDIR)/$(ETCFILE)

        cp $(ETCFILE) $@

dummy_etcdir $(ETCDIR):
        mkdir -p $@
        chmod u+rwx,g+rws,o=rx $@

# Manual Pages:
MANDIR  = $(prefix)/man
MANUAL  = dummy-manual  # to slience GNU make

installed_manuals:      FORCE
        @if [ -n "$(MANUALS)" ]; then \
            manuals="$(MANUALS)"; \
            for manual in $$manuals; do \
                extension=`echo $$manual | sed 's/[^.]*\.//'`; \
                chapter=`echo $$extension | sed 's/\(.\).*/\1/'`; \
                subchapter=`echo $$extension | sed 's/.//'`; \
                mandir=$(MANDIR)/man$$chapter; \
                $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) \
                    MANDIR=$$mandir MANUAL=$$manual \
                    installed_manual || exit 1; \
            done; \
            case `uname -s` in \
                AIX);; \
                HP-UX);; \
                IRIX*);; \
                ULTRIX);; \
                UNICOS|sn*);; \
                *)  $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(MANDIR)/whatis;; \
            esac; \
        else \
            :; \

# The following target decouples the previous targets from the actual rule;
# thus, eliminating extraneous make(1) messages.
installed_manual:       $(MANDIR)/$(MANUAL)

# The first sed(1) editing command in the following replaces the expanded
# RCS keyword `$Date ...' in the `.TH' macro line with something more 
# appropriate to a manual page.
# We don't preprocess the manual page with tbl(1) and neqn(1) on OSF1
# and IRIX systems because their man(1) always does that.
# NB: Manual pages like `man3/udunits.3f' cause the subdirectory man3f/
# to be created as a symbolic link to man3/.  This accomodates
# operating-systems like SunOS 5.4 which require files like *.3f to be in
# their own man3f/ subdirectory.
$(MANDIR)/dummy.man $(MANDIR)/$(MANUAL):        $(MANDIR) $(MANUAL)
        case `uname -s` in \
            OSF1*|IRIX*) \
                sed \
     -e '/^\.TH/s/$$D\ate: \([0-9]*\)\/\([0-9]*\)\/\([0-9]*\).*\$$/\1-\2-\3/'\
                 $(MANUAL) > $@;; \
            *) \
                sed \
     -e '/^\.TH/s/$$D\ate: \([0-9]*\)\/\([0-9]*\)\/\([0-9]*\).*\$$/\1-\2-\3/'\
                 $(MANUAL) | $(TBL) | $(NEQN) > $@;; \
        extension=`echo $(MANUAL) | sed 's/[^.]*\.//'`; \
        subchapter=`echo $$extension | sed 's/.//'`; \
        case "$$subchapter" in \
            '') ;; \
            *)  chapter=`echo $$extension | sed 's/\(.\).*/\1/'`; \
                if test -d $(MANDIR)$$subchapter; then \
                    : true; \
                else \
                    mkdir $(MANDIR)$$subchapter; \
                    ln -s ../`basename $(MANDIR)`/$(MANUAL) \
                        $(MANDIR)$$subchapter/$(MANUAL); \
                fi; \
                ;; \

dummy_mandir $(MANDIR):
        mkdir -p $@
        chmod u+rwx,g+rws,o=rx $@

$(MANDIR)/whatis:       FORCE
        case "$(CATMAN)" in \
            '') : true ;; \
            *)  $(CATMAN) -w -M $(MANDIR);; \

# Documents:
DOCDIR          = $(prefix)/doc
DOCUMENT        = dummy-document        # to silence GNU make(1)

installed_documents:    FORCE
        case "$(DOCUMENTS)" in \
            '') : true \
                ;; \
            *)  documents="$(DOCUMENTS)"; \
                for document in $$documents; do \
                    $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) \
                        DOCUMENT=$$document installed_document || exit 1; \
                done \
                ;; \

# The following target decouples the previous targets from the actual rule;
# thus, eliminating extraneous make(1) messages.
installed_document:     $(DOCDIR)/$(DOCUMENT)

$(DOCDIR)/dummy.doc $(DOCDIR)/$(DOCUMENT):      $(DOCDIR) $(DOCUMENT)
        cp $(DOCUMENT) $(DOCDIR)

dummy_docdir $(DOCDIR):
        mkdir -p $@
        chmod u+rwx,g+rws,o=rx $@

# TeX-Info Pages:
INFODIR = $(prefix)/info
INFO    = dummy-info    # to silence GNU make(1)

installed_infos:        FORCE
        if [ -z "$(MAKEINFO)" ]; then \
            echo 1>&2 "GNU info-pages won't be installed" \
                "because makeinfo program doesn't exist"; \
        else \
            if [ -n "$(INFOS)" ]; then \
                infos="$(INFOS)"; \
                for info in $$infos; do \
                    $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) \
                        INFODIR=$(INFODIR) INFO=$$info \
                        installed_info || exit 1; \
                done; \
            else \
                :; \
            fi; \

# The following target decouples the previous targets from the actual rule;
# thus, eliminating extraneous make(1) messages.
installed_info: $(INFODIR)/$(INFO)

$(INFODIR)/dummy.info $(INFODIR)/$(INFO):       $(INFODIR) $(INFO)
        cp $(INFO) $@

dummy_infodir $(INFODIR):
        mkdir -p $@
        chmod u+rwx,g+rws,o=rx $@

# Rules for generating info pages:
.SUFFIXES:      .info .texi .texinfo .txn
        @if [ -z "$(MAKEINFO)" ]; then \
            echo 1>&2 "Can't create $@ because no makeinfo(1)"; \
        else \
            $(MAKEINFO) $< --no-split --output=$@; \
        @if [ -z "$(MAKEINFO)" ]; then \
            echo 1>&2 "Can't create $@ because no makeinfo(1)"; \
        else \
            $(MAKEINFO) $< --no-split --output=$@; \
        @if [ -z "$(MAKEINFO)" ]; then \
            echo 1>&2 "Can't create $@ because no makeinfo(1)"; \
        else \
            $(MAKEINFO) $< --no-split --output=$@; \

# Ensure that info page depends on canonical TeX-Info macros.
dummy_info $(INFO):     texinfo.tex

# Cleanup:
clean:                  default_clean
distclean:              realclean
realclean:              default_realclean
default_clean:          FORCE
        rm -f $(GARBAGE) $(PROGRAM) a.out core *.o *.i *.a *.so.* *.sa.* \
            *.so *.u *.pure *.pure_hardlink *.pure_linkinfo conftest* \
            test.out test.pure.out \
            *.aux *.toc *.dvi \
            config.cache *.Z *.log tags MANIFEST *~
default_distclean:      default_realclean
default_realclean:      FORCE
        rm -f $(GARBAGE) $(PROGRAM) a.out core *.o *.i *.a *.so.* *.sa.* \
            *.so *.u *.pure *.pure_hardlink *.pure_linkinfo conftest* \
            test.out \
            *.aux *.toc *.dvi \
            config.cache *.Z *.log tags TAGS MANIFEST *~ \
            Makefile config.status cc_id

# Configuration:

# The following target is touched because config.status won't update it if
# it hasn't changed.
# The following is commented-out because the HPUX make(1) goes into a loop.
#Makefile:      config.status
#       ./config.status
#       touch $@

config.status:  cc_id configure
        ./configure --no-create

cc_id:          FORCE
        if test -r $@ && test "`cat $@`" = "$(CC)"; then \
            :; \
        else \
            echo "$(CC)" > $@; \

# The following is commented-out because autoconf is currently only
# available on Zero.
#configure:             configure.in
#       autoconf

# Dependency maintenance:
.PRECIOUS:      depend
# Note: The following rule will only work if the C compiler behaves correctly
# when given the `-M' option.  AIX's cc(1) and SunOS's acc(1) behave
# incorrectly.  --Steve Emmerson 1992-09-24
# Furthermore, we do not attempt to maintain dependencies on installed
# header files (e.g. those in $(INCDIR)) for two reasons: 1) the dependency
# list generated at Unidata mightn't correspond to the situation at a client
# site; and 2) clients using broken compilers (c.f. previous note) can't
# regenerate the dependency list.
# We try to ensure that all C files exist in a distribution that
# includes fortc(1), yacc(1), or lex(1) sources.
depend:         FORCE
#       csrcs=`echo $(MANIFEST) | tr ' ' '\012' | egrep -s '\.fc|\.y|\.l'`; \
        if [ "$$csrcs" ]; then \
            echo 1>&2 "Ensuring that all C files exist for target depend"; \
            echo 1>&2 "csrcs = $$csrcs"; \
            $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $$csrcs; \
        -incdir=`echo $(INCDIR) | sed s',/,\\\/,g'`; \
        (case $(OS) in \
            aix*) \
                $(CC) -M -E $(CPPFLAGS) *.c > /dev/null; \
                cat *.u; \
                ;; \
            *) \
                $(CC_MAKEDEPEND) $(CPPFLAGS) *.c *.S 2> /dev/null; \
                ;; \
        esac) | awk '{ \
                if ($$0 ~ /:/) { \
                    target      = $$1; \
                    if (target ~ /:/) { \
                        target  = substr(target,1,length(target)-1); \
                        start   = 2; \
                    } else { \
                        start   = 3; \
                    } \
                } else { \
                    start       = 1; \
                } \
                for (i = start; i <= NF; ++i) { \
                    if ($$i !~ /^\\/ && \
                        $$i !~ /port\// && \
                        $$i !~ /^\//) \
                    { \
                        if ($$i ~ /^\.\//) \
                            $$i = substr($$i, 3, 99); \
                        print target ": " $$i \
                    } \
                } \
            }' >>$@
        sort -u -o $@ $@
        tag='### DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE.  make depend DEPENDS ON IT ###'; \
            sed -e "/^$$tag$$/r depend" \
                -e "/^$$tag$$/q" Makefile > Makefile.new
        mv Makefile.new Makefile

# Distributions:
FTPDIR          = @FTPDIR@

zip:            FORCE
        version=`cat VERSION | sed 's/\.//g;s/-//g`; \
        $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(PACKAGE)$$version.zip VERSION=$$version

        id=$(PACKAGE)$(VERSION) \
        && rm -rf $$id \
        && mkdir $$id \
        && ln -s .. $$id/src \
        && sed "s|^|$$id/src/|" MANIFEST | zip -@ $@ \
        && rm -r $$id

tar.Z:          FORCE
        version=`cat VERSION`; \
        $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(PACKAGE)-$$version.tar.Z VERSION=$$version

        cp $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.Z $@ 
        chmod u+rw,g+rw,o=r $@

ftp:            FORCE
        version=`cat VERSION`; \
        $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(FTPDIR)/$(PACKAGE)-$$version.tar.Z \
            VERSION=$$version; \
        test -r $(FTPDIR)/$(PACKAGE).tar.Z || exit 0; \
            cd $(FTPDIR) || exit 1; \
            rm $(PACKAGE).tar.Z || exit 1; \
            ln -s $(PACKAGE)-$$version.tar.Z $(PACKAGE).tar.Z;

        id=$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION) \
        && rm -rf $$id \
        && mkdir $$id \
        && ln -s .. $$id/src \
        && tar $(TARFLAGS) - `sed "s|^|$$id/src/|" MANIFEST` | compress > $@ \
        && rm -r $$id

binftp:         FORCE
        version=`cat VERSION`; \
        $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(FTPBINDIR)/$(PACKAGE)-$$version.tar.Z \
ftpbin:         binftp

        id=$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION) \
        && rm -f $$id \
        && ln -s $(prefix) $$id \
        && tar $(TARFLAGS) - README $$id/bin $$id/doc $$id/etc $$id/include \
            $$id/lib $$id/man | compress > $@ \
        && rm $$id
        chmod u+rw,g+rw,o=r $@
        test -r $(FTPBINDIR)/$(PACKAGE).tar.Z || exit 0; \
            cd $(FTPBINDIR) || exit 1; \
            rm $(PACKAGE).tar.Z || exit 1; \
            ln -s $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.Z $(PACKAGE).tar.Z;

        @echo 1>&2 Creating MANIFEST
        @$(MAKE) -s $(MFLAGS) MANIFEST.echo > $@

        @echo $(MANIFEST) | tr ' ' '\012'
        @if [ -n "$(SUBDIRS)" ]; then \
            subdirs="$(SUBDIRS)"; \
            for subdir in $$subdirs; do \
                (cd $$subdir && \
                echo 1>&2 Creating $@ in `pwd` && \
                $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) MANIFEST.echo | \
                    sed "s|^|$$subdir/|") || exit 1; \
            done; \
        else \
            :; \

ensure_manifest:        FORCE
        @$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) \
            `echo $(MANIFEST) | sed 's/MANIFEST//'`
        @if [ -n "$(SUBDIRS)" ]; then \
            subdirs="$(SUBDIRS)"; \
            for subdir in $$subdirs; do \
                (cd $$subdir && \
                echo 1>&2 Creating $@ in `pwd` && \
                $(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) ensure_manifest ) || \
                    exit 1; \
            done; \
        else \
            :; \

# Miscellaneous:

# The following dummy target is useful as a dependency to ensure that a
# rule is always executed.