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Unidata Support: 960504: Linux - netCDF 2.4.2


I'm forwarded the message below from someone who just built netCDF
successfully under Linux, in case this helps with the problems with
segmentation faults that you are encountering.



Russ Rew                                           UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                              http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

------- Forwarded Message

Date:    Sat, 04 May 1996 09:21:29 -0600
From:    Unidata Support <address@hidden>
To:      address@hidden
Subject: 960504: Linux - netCDF 2.4.2

- ------- Forwarded Message

>To: address@hidden
>cc: address@hidden
>From: Richard van Hees <address@hidden>
>Subject: Linux - netCDF 2.4.2
>Organization: .
>Keywords: 199605041453.AA01952


Congratulations! I have just installed the netCDF-library (version
2.4.2) on my Linux-PC, and it compiled just out of the box. THANKS.

I wrote you in an earlier e-mail that I could install netcdf-2.3,
without any real problems, but this is the first time that I could
install everything by just editing CUSTOMIZE and type: "make", 
"make test" and "make install". In addition I have (for the first
time) Fortran support. 

My Linux-PC:  kernel 1.3.95
              gcc 2.7.2
              g++ 2.7.2
              g77 0.5.18          <-- important 0.5.16 doesn't work!

My CUSTOMIZE file (without comment):
CFLAGS='-m486 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe'   <-- faster ???
CXXFLAGS=-O -I/usr/include/g++                  <-- Note the include-directory

It is possible (at least with the GNU compilers) to create shared-libraries 
(not only on Linux-machines!) using the appended script.

Best regards

Richard van Hees

     |   Richard M. van Hees    |   e-mail : address@hidden   |
     |   p/a IMAU               |   phone  : +31 (0)30 2532291        | 
     |   Princetonplein  5      |   fax    : +31 (0)30 2543164        |
     |   NL-3584 CC Utrecht     |                                     |
     |   The Netherlands        |                                     |

#------------------ CUT HERE ------------------------------------------------
#!/bin/sh -x
# Date:    04-May-96
# Purpose: 1) make a shared netCDF library using the gcc compiler
#          2) recompile ncdump and ncgen with the shared library
# Use:     Compile the netCDF software
#          I have used: - CC=gcc              (v2.7.2)
#                       - CFLAGS='-O2 -m486 -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe'
#                       - CXX=g++             (libg++.so.27.1.4)
#                       - CXXFLAGS=-O -I/usr/include/g++
#                       - FC=g77              (v0.5.18)
#                       - FCFLAGS=-O
#                       - OS=linux
#          Type "make_shared"
#          Install ncdump and ncgen by hand otherwise they are recompiled
#          which the static library!
# Note:    only tested on a Linux-PC, gcc 2.7.2, ELF
#          I haven't tried to get FORTRAN-support into the shared library, 
#          because I am not specially interested in FORTRAN 77.
# Author:  R.M. van Hees
#          email: address@hidden

SH_BUILD="-shared -Wl,-soname,${SH_NAME}.${MAJOR_VERSION}"
SH_OBJ='array.o attr.o cdf.o dim.o file.o iarray.o error.o globdef.o putget.o 
putgetg.o sharray.o string.o var.o xdrposix.o'

cd libsrc
rm ${SH_OBJ}
make CFLAGS='-O2 -m486 -fPIC -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe'
gcc ${SH_BUILD} -o ${SH_LIB} ${SH_OBJ}
cd ..

cd ncdump
rm ncdump
gcc -o ncdump ncdump.o vardata.o dumplib.o -L../libsrc -lnetcdf
strip ncdump
cd ..

cd ncgen
rm ncgen
gcc -o ncgen main.o load.o ncgentab.o escapes.o getfill.o init.o close.o 
genlib.o -L../libsrc -lnetcdf
strip ncgen
cd ..

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