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Re: NetCDF user guide comments (minor)


> Some VERY MINOR comments on the "NetCDF User's Guide".
> P44: "The FORTRAN examples use two nonstandard notations ..."
> The U.S. standard and the international standard is fortran 90.
> FORTRAN 77 is no longer the standard. F90 allows "include"
> and also comments on the same line as statements using "!" .
> F90 allows names up-to 132 characters (no longer 6 characters).
> Finally, while f90 does not allow "function prototypes" per se,
> it does have "interface blocks" where one can define types and
> "intent". EG:
> interface
>   subroutine dummy (arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4)
>   integer, intent(in)   :: arg1, arg2  ! no change allowed 
>   integer, intent(out)  :: arg3        ! output
>   real   , intent(inout):: arg4        ! may be changed
>   end subroutine dummy
> end interface
> This latter needs more space but it does have thwe
> advantage of the "intent: attribute.


I'll fix these for the netCDF 2.4 release we're preparing now.

I'm not sure what to do about the interface blocks, since most of our users
still have f77 compilers rather than f90 compilers.  We may wait to include
an upgraded f90 interface for netCDF 3.0.  At that point, I'll try to
exploit f90 features to improve the Fortran interface.
