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Re: Problem with C++ set_cur function

> Organization: .
> Keywords: 199501132100.AA20965

Hi Phil,

> In the set_cur C++ function in netcdf.cc, I have made the following 
> modification.  This change seems necessary to be able to extend a variable 
> with an unlimited dimension.  For instance, in the nctst.cc file, the entire 
> unlimited dimension frtime is written first.  Then the P variable can be 
> written in pieces.

> line 665 of netcdf.cc
>  if (  (t[i] >= get_dim(i)->size()) &&
>        ( i > 1 || !get_dim(i)->is_unlimited()) )
>     return FALSE; // too big for dimension

I don't see the reason for the "i>1" condition, but you are correct in 
excluding the unlimited dimension.  Here is what my fix looks like:

                if ((t[i] >= get_dim(i)->size()) &&
                  return FALSE; // too big for dimension

and the same fix is needed a little further down, in the other version of

        if ((cur[i] >= get_dim(i)->size()) &&
          return FALSE;

I've been meaning to put together another patch with this and additional
fixes to the C++ interface, but I haven't found the necessary time yet.  I
assume you've already applied the set of C++ patches in


to the current distribution.  I've appended the current diffs between that
and what bug fixes I have accumulated, but I'm afraid I can't gaurantee much
except that this passes the simple test I constructed with "make test" in
the C++ directory.


Russ Rew                                                UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                                          P.O. Box 3000
http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/                          Boulder, CO 80307-3000

diff -c /home/russ/build/netcdf-232pl3/c++/netcdf.cc ./netcdf.cc
*** /home/russ/build/netcdf-232pl3/c++/netcdf.cc        Fri Jan 13 16:08:03 1995
--- ./netcdf.cc Fri Jan 13 15:41:36 1995
*** 4,10 ****
   *   Purpose: Implements class interface for netCDF over C interface
!  *   $Header: /upc/new/CVS/netcdf/c++/netcdf.cc,v 1.46 1994/02/22 18:09:42 
russ Exp $
  #include <string.h>
--- 4,10 ----
   *   Purpose: Implements class interface for netCDF over C interface
!  *   $Header: /upc/new/CVS/netcdf/c++/netcdf.cc,v 1.48 1994/10/10 21:39:50 
russ Exp $
  #include <string.h>
*** 160,172 ****
  // For variables with more than 5 dimensions, use n-dimensional interface
  // with vector of dimensions.
! NcVar* NcFile::add_var(NcToken name, NcType type, int ndims, const NcDim* 
      if (!is_valid() || !define_mode())
        return 0;
      int *dimids = new int[ndims];
      for (int i=0; i < ndims; i++)
!       dimids[i] = dims[i].id();
      int n = num_vars();
      NcVar* varp =
        new NcVar(this, ncvardef(the_id, name, (nc_type) type, ndims, dimids));
--- 160,172 ----
  // For variables with more than 5 dimensions, use n-dimensional interface
  // with vector of dimensions.
! NcVar* NcFile::add_var(NcToken name, NcType type, int ndims, const NcDim** 
      if (!is_valid() || !define_mode())
        return 0;
      int *dimids = new int[ndims];
      for (int i=0; i < ndims; i++)
!       dimids[i] = dims[i]->id();
      int n = num_vars();
      NcVar* varp =
        new NcVar(this, ncvardef(the_id, name, (nc_type) type, ndims, dimids));
*** 220,225 ****
--- 220,227 ----
  NcBool NcFile::sync( void )
+     if (!data_mode())
+       return 0;
      if (ncsync(the_id) == ncBad)
        return 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < num_dims(); i++)
*** 469,475 ****
      return the_file->get_dim(dims[i]);
! const long* NcVar::edges( void ) const        // edge lengths (dimension 
      long* evec = new long[num_dims()];
      for(int i=0; i < num_dims(); i++)
--- 471,477 ----
      return the_file->get_dim(dims[i]);
! long* NcVar::edges( void ) const      // edge lengths (dimension sizes)
      long* evec = new long[num_dims()];
      for(int i=0; i < num_dims(); i++)
*** 573,579 ****
  #define NcVar_put_nd_array(TYPE)                                            \
! NcBool NcVar::put( const TYPE* vals, const long* count )                      
  {                                                                           \
      if (type() != NcTypeEnum(TYPE))                                         \
        return FALSE;                                                         \
--- 575,581 ----
  #define NcVar_put_nd_array(TYPE)                                            \
! NcBool NcVar::put( const TYPE* vals, const long* count )                    \
  {                                                                           \
      if (type() != NcTypeEnum(TYPE))                                         \
        return FALSE;                                                         \
*** 634,640 ****
  #define NcVar_get_nd_array(TYPE)                                            \
! NcBool NcVar::get( TYPE* vals, const long* count ) const                      
  {                                                                           \
      if (type() != NcTypeEnum(TYPE))                                         \
        return FALSE;                                                         \
--- 636,642 ----
  #define NcVar_get_nd_array(TYPE)                                            \
! NcBool NcVar::get( TYPE* vals, const long* count ) const                    \
  {                                                                           \
      if (type() != NcTypeEnum(TYPE))                                         \
        return FALSE;                                                         \
*** 669,675 ****
            if (num_dims() < j)
              return FALSE;     // too many for variable's dimensionality
            for (int i = 0; i < j; i++) {
!               if (t[i] >= get_dim(i)->size())
                  return FALSE; // too big for dimension
                the_cur[i] = t[i];
--- 671,678 ----
            if (num_dims() < j)
              return FALSE;     // too many for variable's dimensionality
            for (int i = 0; i < j; i++) {
!               if ((t[i] >= get_dim(i)->size()) &&
!                   !get_dim(i)->is_unlimited())
                  return FALSE; // too big for dimension
                the_cur[i] = t[i];
*** 684,690 ****
  NcBool NcVar::set_cur(long *cur)
      for(int i = 0; i < num_dims(); i++) {
!       if (cur[i] >= get_dim(i)->size())
          return FALSE;
        the_cur[i] = cur[i];
--- 687,694 ----
  NcBool NcVar::set_cur(long *cur)
      for(int i = 0; i < num_dims(); i++) {
!       if ((cur[i] >= get_dim(i)->size()) &&
!           !get_dim(i)->is_unlimited())
          return FALSE;
        the_cur[i] = cur[i];
diff -c /home/russ/build/netcdf-232pl3/c++/netcdf.hh ./netcdf.hh
*** /home/russ/build/netcdf-232pl3/c++/netcdf.hh        Fri Jan 13 16:08:03 1995
--- ./netcdf.hh Wed Nov  2 16:56:52 1994
*** 4,10 ****
   *   Purpose:   C++ class interface for netCDF
!  *   $Header: /upc/new/CVS/netcdf/c++/netcdf.hh,v 1.40 1993/12/07 16:17:48 
russ Exp $
  #ifndef NETCDF_HH
--- 4,10 ----
   *   Purpose:   C++ class interface for netCDF
!  *   $Header: /upc/new/CVS/netcdf/c++/netcdf.hh,v 1.41 1994/10/10 21:39:52 
russ Exp $
  #ifndef NETCDF_HH
*** 61,67 ****
                      const NcDim* dim3=0,                // 4-dim
                      const NcDim* dim4=0 );              // 5-dim
      NcVar* add_var( NcToken varname, NcType type,       // n-dim
!                           int ndims, const NcDim* dims );
      NcBool add_att( NcToken attname, char );             // scalar attributes
      NcBool add_att( NcToken attname, short );
--- 61,67 ----
                      const NcDim* dim3=0,                // 4-dim
                      const NcDim* dim4=0 );              // 5-dim
      NcVar* add_var( NcToken varname, NcType type,       // n-dim
!                           int ndims, const NcDim** dims );
      NcBool add_att( NcToken attname, char );             // scalar attributes
      NcBool add_att( NcToken attname, short );
*** 229,235 ****
      NcBool is_valid( void ) const;
      int num_dims( void ) const;         // dimensionality of variable
      NcDim* get_dim( int ) const;        // n-th dimension
!     const long* edges( void ) const;    // dimension sizes
      int num_atts( void ) const;         // number of attributes
      NcAtt* get_att( NcToken ) const;    // attribute by name
      NcAtt* get_att( int ) const;        // n-th attribute
--- 229,235 ----
      NcBool is_valid( void ) const;
      int num_dims( void ) const;         // dimensionality of variable
      NcDim* get_dim( int ) const;        // n-th dimension
!     long* edges( void ) const;          // dimension sizes
      int num_atts( void ) const;         // number of attributes
      NcAtt* get_att( NcToken ) const;    // attribute by name
      NcAtt* get_att( int ) const;        // n-th attribute
*** 342,348 ****
                                   const NcDim*,
                                   const NcDim*);
    friend NcVar* NcFile::add_var( NcToken, NcType, int,
!                                  const NcDim* );
--- 342,348 ----
                                   const NcDim*,
                                   const NcDim*);
    friend NcVar* NcFile::add_var( NcToken, NcType, int,
!                                  const NcDim** );