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Re: 941201: netCDF package under Solaris 2.3

> Organization: University of Kansas
> Keywords: 199412011638.AA18088 netCDF build Solaris 2.3

Hi Donna,

> I have attempted to install netCDF under Solaris 2.3.  I have a few errors
> and have appended the log file to this message.  Are these errors serious?
> I did make test and everything turned out all right except the fortran part.

Are you using the Sun C compiler?  If so, it appears as if you might have
forgotten to run `configure' before running `make', because the compiler
flags that your `make' is using are different from what should have been
generated by first running `configure'.  For example, where your `make'
output began with:

> cc -c -I. -DNDEBUG -Dconst= -O uddummy.c

we see

  cc -c -I. -DNDEBUG -O uddummy.c

instead on our Solaris 2.3 system using Sun's compiler, because the
configure step has figured out that the compiler supports "const"
declarations properly, as any ANSI C compiler should.

Also, before running `configure', if you have previously built netCDF for
another platform or built it unsuccessfully, you should run `make clean' to
get rid of any left over object files or libraries.

> Output from this part looked like
> ar rcuv ../libsrc/libnetcdf.a jackets.o
> ./fortc -L . -O sunos ftest.src > ftest.f
> f77 -c  ftest.f
> ftest.f:
>  MAIN ftest:
>       tncacpy:
>       tncadel:
>       tncagt:
>       tncapt:
>       tncddef:
>       tncinq:
>       tncredf:
>       tncvdef:
>       tncvgt:
>       tncvgt1:
>       tncvpt:
>       tncvpt1:
> f77 ftest.o -L../libsrc -lnetcdf -o ftest
> Undefined                     first referenced
>  symbol                           in file
> xdr_enum                            ../libsrc/libnetcdf.a(array.o)
> xdr_float                           ../libsrc/libnetcdf.a(array.o)
> xdr_int                             ../libsrc/libnetcdf.a(iarray.o)
> xdr_u_long                          ../libsrc/libnetcdf.a(array.o)
> xdr_double                          ../libsrc/libnetcdf.a(array.o)
> xdr_long                            ../libsrc/libnetcdf.a(array.o)
> xdr_opaque                          ../libsrc/libnetcdf.a(array.o)
> ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to ftest

Several object files in the netcdf/xdr/ directory should have been created
containing these functions, but your `make' output for that directory
indicates nothing was compiled in that directory.  This seems to indicate
leftover object files were there from a previous build.  Again, running
`make clean' before `configure' and `make' should fix this.  See the
detailed instructions in the INSTALL file.

> Do I need to include another library in the compile under Solaris 2.3?

No, the configure step figures out exactly what libraries are needed and
generates the Makefiles to use them.

> My most immediate interest in this package is to decode the profiler data
> for McIdas-X.  Will it work all right for that?  Longer term I will look
> into getting WXP.  I assume I would need to make some changes to use this
> package with that.

I think the decoder for the McIDAS-X profiler data is written in Fortran, so
it would require that the netCDF Fortran interface be successfully built, so
you will need to get `make test' to show that this works.

Russ Rew                                                UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                                          P.O. Box 3000
http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/                          Boulder, CO 80307-3000