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netcdf and FAN

> Organization: CSIRO
> Keywords: 199411032343.AA16213 FAN

Hi Harvey,

> It is file netcdf/hld/fan.tar.Z

Thanks, I got it and tried it on a Sun SPARCstation 10 under SunOS 5.3.

> I have tested it on SGI and cray. 
> I was planning to also test it on our alpha, but I had trouble installing
> unit stuff, and I have run out of time.  But I will do this next week.
> On cray I had to use gmake in place of standard make.
> You make it by 'cd src', then edit nc1.mk, then [g]make.
> nc1.mk defines directories, etc.
> Make in src creates file 'log' and then diff's this to log.old.
> This diff process is probably a bit silly 1st time, but I find it useful
> for subsequent makes (after doing 'mv log log.old').

It worked fine on the Sun platform, except for two extra error messages
output from the script testing text2nc.  Here's the output of text2nc/t.sh
around where the extra messages occurred:

    echo 32 0 100 err 90 | text2nc -h -p -u degF 'T.nc 

    **** ERROR at line 56 of text2nc.c
    input error
    skipping invalid input data

    **** ERROR at line 46 of unitCoeffs.c
    Incompatible input & output units

    **** ERROR at line 52 of unitPipe.c
    unitPipe: Error calling fscanf
        echo 300 320.1 309.9 299.1 205 206
        echo 100.1 99.9 325 325.1 200 200
        echo 101 102 103 104 105 106
        echo -99 -99 -99 -99 -99 -99 
        echo 107
    ) | text2nc -h -p -m -99 'T.nc -1[year=1:2,,lon=0:]'

Your "out.old" file didn't have the second and third error messages above,
but the rest of the test script output is the same except for these two
error messages.

I did make a few minor changes to the t.sh scripts by inserting the line

    PATH=.:../../bin:$PATH export PATH

at the top of text2nc/t.sh, for example, since I don't ordinarily have "."
in my PATH by default (it's supposed to be a security risk).  I put
"../../bin" in the path also, because otherwise running t.sh would result in

    sh: unit: not found

when executing

    echo 32 0 100 err 90 | text2nc -h -p -u degF 'T.nc 

I also inserted


at the top of other t.sh files.

I also took libudape.a out of the libraries used, since we don't use it
anymore and I wanted to see what you needed from it.  Since there were no
linker error messages, I assume it was just some ANSI C or POSIX function
that we already have with our Sun ANSI C compiler.

Anyway, thanks for making this available.  I may have more to report when I
get time to play with the executables some more.


Russ Rew                                                UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                                          P.O. Box 3000
http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/                          Boulder, CO 80307-3000