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Re: ncgen problem

> Organization: CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research
> Keywords: 199403220103.AA04720

Hi Harvey,

Sorry to be so long answering your question, but I was on vacation and
things wer piled up when I got back.

> I have encountered an apparent bug in ncgen.
> It is demonstrated by following Bourne/Korn shell script:
> ncgen -b <<\END-OF-CDL
> netcdf t {
> variables:
>         float x;
>                 x:add_offset = -1e-16;
> }
> ncdump -h t.nc
> This generates following output:
> netcdf t {
> variables:
>         float x ;
>                 x:add_offset = -1e-16. ;
> }
> Note that there is a '.' following '-1e-16'
> This causes a syntax error when piped to ncgen.

This was actually a bug in ncdump that was fixed by a patch file posted to
netcdfgroup last year, and available from 


Hence you must be using an unpatched netcdf 2.3.2 distribution, to which
patches 1 and 2 from the above ftp directory should be applied.

Russ Rew                                              UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                                        P.O. Box 3000
(303)497-8645                                 Boulder, Colorado 80307-3000