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>From: address@hidden
>Organization: University of Alberta
>Keywords: 199403040238.AA25943 netCDF NeXT NeXT OS 2.1


>Hi, trying to get netcdf to compile on a NeXTstation, 
>having some problems...
>1) is it possible to run netcdf2.3.2 on NeXT os version 2.1?
>   (the info file says it will work with version 3.0)
>   are we going to have to upgrade our OS?
>2) it bombs looking for a file "unistd.h", which is not in our
>   /usr/include directory, nor anywhere else... 
>  should it be looking for this file with a NeXT? should we
>  have this file? will a "unistd.h" file from say an RS6000
>  work? (No, then it looks for 2 more files we don't have...)
>are you in contact with someone who might have done this before?
>or is this a common problem?
>any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

You could ask the netcdfgroup mail list if someone has done this port
before (address@hidden).  What you could do is to comment
out the include and see which macros defined there are missing and add
tme yourself.

For your convenience, I have included the contents of unistd.h from
our Sun:

/*      @(#)unistd.h 1.12 89/10/04 SMI; from S5R3 1.5 */

#ifndef __sys_unistd_h
#define __sys_unistd_h

/* WARNING: _SC_CLK_TCK and sysconf() are also defined/declared in <time.h>. */
#define _SC_ARG_MAX             1       /* space for argv & envp */
#define _SC_CHILD_MAX           2       /* maximum children per process??? */
#define _SC_CLK_TCK             3       /* clock ticks/sec */
#define _SC_NGROUPS_MAX         4       /* number of groups if multple supp. */
#define _SC_OPEN_MAX            5       /* max open files per process */
#define _SC_JOB_CONTROL         6       /* do we have job control */
#define _SC_SAVED_IDS           7       /* do we have saved uid/gids */
#define _SC_VERSION             8       /* POSIX version supported */

#define _POSIX_JOB_CONTROL      1
#define _POSIX_SAVED_IDS        1
#define _POSIX_VERSION          198808

#define _PC_LINK_MAX            1       /* max links to file/dir */
#define _PC_MAX_CANON           2       /* max line length */
#define _PC_MAX_INPUT           3       /* max "packet" to a tty device */
#define _PC_NAME_MAX            4       /* max pathname component length */
#define _PC_PATH_MAX            5       /* max pathname length */
#define _PC_PIPE_BUF            6       /* size of a pipe */
#define _PC_CHOWN_RESTRICTED    7       /* can we give away files */
#define _PC_NO_TRUNC            8       /* trunc or error on >NAME_MAX */
#define _PC_VDISABLE            9       /* best char to shut off tty c_cc */
#define _PC_LAST                9       /* highest value of any _PC_* */

#define STDIN_FILENO    0
#define STDOUT_FILENO   1
#define STDERR_FILENO   2

#ifndef NULL
#define NULL    0

 * SVID lockf() requests
#define F_ULOCK         0       /* Unlock a previously locked region */
#define F_LOCK          1       /* Lock a region for exclusive use */
#define F_TLOCK         2       /* Test and lock a region for exclusive use */
#define F_TEST          3       /* Test a region for other processes locks */

/* Path names: */
#define GF_PATH                 "/etc/group"

#endif  !_POSIX_SOURCE

 * lseek & access args
 * SEEK_* have to track L_* in sys/file.h & SEEK_* in 5include/stdio.h
 * ?_OK have to track ?_OK in sys/file.h
#ifndef SEEK_SET
#define SEEK_SET        0       /* Set file pointer to "offset" */
#define SEEK_CUR        1       /* Set file pointer to current plus "offset" */
#define SEEK_END        2       /* Set file pointer to EOF plus "offset" */

#define F_OK            0       /* does file exist */
#define X_OK            1       /* is it executable by caller */
#define W_OK            2       /* is it writable by caller */
#define R_OK            4       /* is it readable by caller */

#if     !defined(KERNEL)
#include <sys/types.h>

extern void     _exit(/* int status */);
extern int      access(/* char *path, int amode */);
extern unsigned alarm(/* unsigned secs */);
extern int      chdir(/* char *path */);
extern int      chmod(/* char *path, mode_t mode */);
extern int      chown(/* char *path, uid_t owner, gid_t group */);
extern int      close(/* int fildes */);
extern char     *ctermid(/* char *s */);
extern char     *cuserid(/* char *s */);
extern int      dup(/* int fildes */);
extern int      dup2(/* int fildes, int fildes2 */);
extern int      execl(/* char *path, ... */);
extern int      execle(/* char *path, ... */);
extern int      execlp(/* char *file, ... */);
extern int      execv(/* char *path, char *argv[] */);
extern int      execve(/* char *path, char *argv[], char *envp[] */);
extern int      execvp(/* char *file, char *argv[] */);
extern pid_t    fork(/* void */);
extern long     fpathconf(/* int fd, int name */);
extern char     *getcwd(/* char *buf, int size */);
extern gid_t    getegid(/* void */);
extern uid_t    geteuid(/* void */);
extern gid_t    getgid(/* void */);
extern int      getgroups(/* int gidsetsize, gid_t grouplist[] */);
extern char     *getlogin(/* void */);
extern pid_t    getpgrp(/* void */);
extern pid_t    getpid(/* void */);
extern pid_t    getppid(/* void */);
extern uid_t    getuid(/* void */);
extern int      isatty(/* int fildes */);
extern int      link(/* char *path1, char *path2 */);
extern off_t    lseek(/* int fildes, off_t offset, int whence */);
extern long     pathconf(/* char *path, int name */);
extern int      pause(/* void */);
extern int      pipe(/* int fildes[2] */);
extern int      read(/* int fildes, char *buf, unsigned int nbyte */);
extern int      rmdir(/* char *path */);
extern int      setgid(/* gid_t gid */);
extern int      setpgid(/* pid_t pid, pid_t pgid */);
extern pid_t    setsid(/* void */);
extern int      setuid(/* uid_t uid */);
extern unsigned sleep(/* unsigned int seconds */);
extern long     sysconf(/* int name */);
extern pid_t    tcgetpgrp(/* int fildes */);
extern int      tcsetpgrp(/* int fildes, pid_t pgrp_id */);
extern char     *ttyname(/* int fildes */);
extern int      unlink(/* char *path */);
extern int      write(/* int fildes, char *buf, unsigned int nbyte */);

#endif  /* !KERNEL */
#endif  /* !__sys_unistd_h */

>p.s. we did get it to work on IBM RS6000's, we are using it
>to run GMT, WORKS GREAT!! 
>Ben Rostron

>Thanks, will give it a try.

Tom Yoksas