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19990630: viewing raw metars with GEMPAK


The raw metar reports are stored in your surface data file
if you aren't using the -n option in dchrly. If you are
storing the data, then you can use SFPARM=text;spcl
in sflist:

 SFFILE   = $SAO/19990630_sao.gem
 AREA     = @wjc
 DATTIM   = 1200
 SFPARM   = text;spcl
 OUTPUT   = t
 IDNTYP   = stid
WJC SA 1158 AUTO8 M M M 065/11/10/1208/M/ PK WND 1316 1132Z 1008 06MM = 

The key here is that dchrly must be invoked from pqact without "-n",
% dchrly -h
     The valid options are:
        -v N            Set the level of verbosity for the logs
        -c curtim       Set the "current" time
        -b nhours       Number of hours to decode prior to "current" time
        -d decoder_log  Set the decoder log file name
        -t time_out     Set the interval for the time out
        -n              Set a flag to NOT save the text data
        -h              Print the help file, then exit the program
        -p prmfil       Set the parameter packing table
        -s stntbl       Set the station table
        -a iadstn       Set the number of additional stations
        -m maxtim       Set the maximum number of times

The same will work with mos decoders etc.

The disadvantage here is that the gempak file is larger if you store the raw
obs too.

I also showed an example of how to use nwx to search through a
raw surface file to pull out the bulletin with a station report
in it- but that may not suit your cgi needs...more of a gui

Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Solution

>From: weather <address@hidden>
>Organization: .
>Keywords: 199906302254.QAA24661

>Is there any way to use GEMPAK to view raw, undecoded METARS.
>I have not been able to do it using sfparm=text with SFL604
>and SFLIST.
>I am saving the raw sao's using the WXP pqact entry.
>There are some Canadian stations which report without the "C",
>e.g. WJC and McIDAS's SFCRPT command does not pick up on them
>but they are present.
>Robert Mullenax
>From address@hidden  Wed Jun 30 17:02:33 1999
>Received: from psnldm.nsbf.nasa.gov (psnldm.nsbf.nasa.gov [])
>       by unidata.ucar.edu (8.8.8/8.8.8) with ESMTP id RAA24800
>       for <address@hidden>; Wed, 30 Jun 1999 17:02:32 -0600 (MDT)
>Organization: .
>Keywords: 199906302302.RAA24800
>Received: from psnldm.nsbf.nasa.gov (psnldm.nsbf.nasa.gov [])
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>       for <address@hidden>; Wed, 30 Jun 1999 23:02:31 GMT
>Message-Id: <address@hidden>
>Date: Wed, 30 Jun 1999 23:02:31 +0000 (GMT)
>From: weather <address@hidden>
>Reply-To: weather <address@hidden>
>Subject: more info--viewing raw metars with GEMPAK
>To: address@hidden
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>More info..I am trying to do this for a web page using CGI
>Robert Mullenax