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Re: Fwd: Re: [conduit] Slow connection/big lag from conduit.ncep.noaa.gov

Hi Pete,

I wanted to check back in and make sure that it is still functioning normally. 

Kyle Nevins

On Thu, 16 Apr 2015 18:24:45 -0400, Pete Pokrandt <address@hidden> wrote:
> All
> Short version - something changed somewhere and it seems to be fixed - 
> my latencies to the root conduit servers are back to normal.
> Long version...
> Well, interestingly, I noticed yesterday morning (AM of 4/15/2015) that 
> the lag for my conduit data feeding from idd.unidata.ucar.edu had 
> dropped, so again I switched to feeding from conduit.ncep.noaa.gov and 
> ncepldm4.woc.noaa.gov. Apparently something changed, because my 
> latencies are now down at 60 seconds or less (as comparted to the 3600+ 
> before)
> The attached graph shows on the left hand side, periods of latencies 
> approaching 1000 seconds when I was feeding from idd.unidata.ucar.edu 
> (the cyan curve - each peak in there is about every 6 hours, typically 
> as the GEFS is coming in - the red one where it peaks around 3600, not 
> sure what is up with that - I think different latencies between 
> conduit/ncepldm4 and idd.unidata.ucar.edu) , then one or two where my 
> latencies feeding from idd.unidata.ucar.edu dropped (near the center), 
> then to the right, small latencies after I began feeding direct again 
> from conduit.ncep.noaa.gov and ncepldm4.woc.noaa.gov. The farthest right 
> green line extending up to about 2000 (about 2/3 the way from the left 
> to the right) is the time I switched from idd.unidata.ucar.edu to the 
> two root conduit servers.
> I'll keep an eye on things but for now, the issue appears to be fixed.
> Pete