animation performance


I have several Fields that look like: t -> ((x,y) -> foo).
Although I could use the AnimationControl of a ScalarMap of "t" to
Display.Animation, I chose to take more control.

For each tick of my clock, I resample my Fields getting the appropriate
FlatField for the desired time sample and call setData on existing

Is there any reasong to expect this to perform better or worse than
using AnimationControl? Does AnimationControl somehow optimize this
(e.g. cache something) or does it have more overhead because it has to
be more generic?

If no on the optimization, are there any ideas on a caching strategy
that could optimize animation (e.g. scene graphs)? I don't know much
about Java3D internals. The best I can come up with is caching images
but that means a loss of interactivity.

Any other ideas on animation optimization?


| Doug Lindholm, Software Engineer          |  E-mail: lind@xxxxxxxx   |
| Research Applications Program             |   Phone: 303-497-8374    |
| National Center for Atmospheric Research  |                          |
| P.O. Box 3000                             |     There's no place     |
| Boulder, Colorado 80307-3000              |        like $HOME        |

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