Re: [thredds] Accessing THREDDS from Java

Hi Antonio,

Sorry for not getting to this sooner; we were all busy with the 2015
Training Workshop last week.

You may want to take a look at cdmremote [1]. It's an experimental protocol
we've been developing that compares quite favorably to OPeNDAP. In terms of
performance, "The java implementation of ncstream should be (close to)
maximal I/O efficient." And yes, it is certainly possible for NetCDF-Java
to access a THREDDS server using cdmremote as long as that server enables
it as a data access service. Here [2] is an example on one of our servers.



On Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 11:26 AM, Antonio Rodriges <antonio.rrz@xxxxxxxxx>

> Sorry for posting this question on the mail list, however I could not
> find the answer after googling.
> The THREDDS page [1] lists the supported protocols: "OPeNDAP, OGC WMS
> and WCS, HTTP, and other remote data access protocols."
> Also, it is noted that "The Netcdf-Java/CDM library reads NetCDF, OpenDAP,
> ..."
> My question is :
> 1) what are other protocols that are supported by TDS?
> 2) which protocol is the fastest? For example, has the lowest
> overheads in network I/O or creating output data, etc or their is no
> definite answer?
> 3) is it possible to use Netcdf-Java to access TDS using other
> supported protocols or Netcdf-Java can access TDS only via OpenDAP?
> Thanks
> [1]
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