[noaaport] Question about lifted index product

I'm looking at some of the new GOES-16 derived products being distributed via 
NOAAport and I have a question.   Looking at the ABI L2+ Derived Stability 
Indices: Lifted Index products, I am seeing the temperatures given with 
units="K"  (Kelvin), but some of the data values are in the negative  range.   
Because lifted index is given as a temperature difference, I believe that the 
units field of the data is being incorrectly populated and should probably be 
"C".   Is anyone else seeing this?  
Is there somebody I can contact about this issue?
Here's the dump from the raw data. 
target0.sectorizedCMI = (ucar.nc2.Variable) short LI(y=100, x=100);
  :_FillValue = -1S; // short
  :long_name = "ABI L2+ Derived Stability Indices: Lifted Index";
  :standard_name = 
  :_Unsigned = "true";
  :valid_range = 0S, -6S; // short
  :scale_factor = 7.6301E-4f; // float
  :add_offset = -10.0f; // float
  :units = "K";
  :resolution = "y: 0.000280 rad x: 0.000280 rad";
  :coordinates = "latitude retrieval_local_zenith_angle 
quantitative_local_zenith_angle solar_zenith_angle t y x final_air_pressure";
  :grid_mapping = "goes_imager_projection";
  :cell_methods = "latitude: point (good quality pixel produced) 
retrieval_local_zenith_angle: point (good or degraded quality pixel produced) 
quantitative_local_zenith_angle: point (good quality pixel produced) 
solar_zenith_angle: point (good quality pixel produced) t: point area: point";
  :ancillary_variables = "DQF_Overall DQF_Retrieval DQF_SkinTemp";
  :_ChunkSizes = 100, 100; // int
Gary W. Lucas, Senior Software Engineer
Sonalysts, Inc.
215 Parkway North
Waterford, CT 06385
(860) 326-3682
41-22-12.35 N / 72-10-07.54 W  (USNG/MGRS:  18T YL 36787 83711)
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