[noaaport] 20101129: Why does my NOAAport reception stink?

Hi Gilbert,

>That's as ugly as I've ever seen it, except when I was picking it up initially
>as a test on a 3 meter dish 3 years ago. Must be my dish, right?

The viterbi bit error rates look awfully high alright...


These look even worse.

>An EbnO of 6.5 dropping to 5.9 every great once in a while? If 
>this keeps up, you'll need a 20 meter SETI dish to pick the
>broadcast up. What's going on?

The indicated bit error rate off of our Novra S200 looks very good:

CMCS> show satellite
        Satellite Interface Settings:

        Receiver MAC Address:   00-06-76-04-00-87
        Receiver Mode:          DVBS
        Frequency:              1193.0 MHz
        Symbol Rate:            6.348 Msps
        Viterbi Rate:           7/8 QPSK

        Signal Lock:            On
        Data Lock:              On
        Uncorrectable Rate:     0/Second
        Viterbi Bit Error Rate: 0.0000e+00

        Carrier to Noise C/N:   11.4dB
        Signal Strength:        -31 dBm

>Yes, I'm still getting all the packets. But 1 x 10 ^ -6 is below NWS reception
>standards, and yet, I am using a 3.7 meter dish with a better LNB than the NWS
>is! The NWS standard is an EbnO "above 6". But this close to 6?

When we were using the Novra S75 (not the S75+), we noted the need to
reset the device from time to time.  The symptoms for a reset being
needed were the combination of one or more of the following:

- non-zero viterbi bit error rates
- frequency of the lock being markedly different than 1193.5
- unusually _high_ indicated signal strength (e.g., >80)

What happens to your stats after an S75+ reset?


* Tom Yoksas                                            UCAR Unidata Program *
* (303) 497-8642 (last resort)                                 P.O. Box 3000 *
* yoksas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                  Boulder, CO 80307 *
* Unidata WWW Service                            http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/*

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