Re: [netcdfgroup] abi version for netcdf-4.1.2

On 04/05/2011 09:48 PM, Orion Poplawski wrote:
> My thoughts:
> - According to
>, the
> main ABI problems with going from 4.1.1 -> 4.1.2 was:
> ncEnumType.h
> namespace netCDF
> [−] NcEnumType::ncEnumType (5)
>     Change    Effect
> 1    Value of field nc_INT64 has been changed from 8 to 10.   
> Applications may execute another branch of library code.
> 2    Value of field nc_UBYTE has been changed from 5 to 7.   
> Applications may execute another branch of library code.
> 3    Value of field nc_UINT has been changed from 7 to 9.   
> Applications may execute another branch of library code.
> 4    Value of field nc_UINT64 has been changed from 9 to 11.   
> Applications may execute another branch of library code.
> 5    Value of field nc_USHORT has been changed from 6 to 8.   
> Applications may execute another branch of library code.
> [+] affected symbols (1)
> NcGroup::addEnumType ( std::string const& name, NcEnumType::ncEnumType
> basetype ) const:
> 2nd parameter 'basetype' has type 'NcEnumType::ncEnumType'.
> Kind of scary when constants change values.
> - Adding a new function does not require bumping the soname version
> because that is still backwards compatible.
> - Distribution and system maintainers must pay special attention to
> ABI compatibility.  A significant version bump is a good indicator
> that this may happen and to look out for it.  Conversely, "patch"
> level version changes are not expected to have ABI changes.

The change of ncEnumType reported by the tool is the false positive.
This is my fault. The issue is that after the clear installation of
netcdf-4.1.1 (./configure --enable-cxx-4, make, make install) there is
no definition for NC_UBYTE, NC_USHORT, NC_UINT and some other constants
in the header files:

4.1.1/include> grep -nR NC_UBYTE .
./ncEnumType.h:24:      nc_UBYTE    = NC_UBYTE, //!< unsigned 1 byte int
./ncType.h:32:      nc_UBYTE    = NC_UBYTE,     //!< unsigned 1 byte int

But the source package of netcdf contains definitions for these constants:

#define    NC_UBYTE     7    /* unsigned 1 byte int */
#define    NC_USHORT     8    /* unsigned 2-byte int */
#define    NC_UINT     9    /* unsigned 4-byte int */
#define    NC_INT64     10    /* signed 8-byte int */
#define    NC_UINT64     11    /* unsigned 8-byte int */
#define    NC_STRING     12    /* string */
#define    NC_VLEN     13    /* used internally for vlen types */
#define    NC_OPAQUE     14    /* used internally for opaque types */
#define    NC_ENUM     15    /* used internally for enum types */
#define    NC_COMPOUND     16    /* used internally for compound types */

I've added these constants to the netcdf.h and rerun the tests [1]. The
CXX4 interface seems to be compatible between 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 and there
is no version bump for this reason:

4.1.1/lib> readelf -Wa|grep SONAME:
 0x0000000e (SONAME)                     Library soname:

4.1.2/lib> readelf -Wa|grep SONAME:
 0x0000000e (SONAME)                     Library soname:

But there are two changed constants in C interface: NC_WRITE (from 0x1
to 0x0001) and NC_NOCLOBBER (from 0x4 to 0x0004) used by ncopen and
nccreate functions. So, the soname has been bumped:

4.1.1/lib> readelf -Wa|grep SONAME
 0x0000000e (SONAME)                     Library soname: []

4.1.2/lib> readelf -Wa|grep SONAME
 0x0000000e (SONAME)                     Library soname: []

[1] Test results for libnetcdf

Andrey Ponomarenko
Department for Operating Systems at ISPRAS
 mail:   aponomarenko@xxxxxxxxx

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