Re: [galeon] GALEON-related OGC Coverages Discussions

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Roy -

I disagree that SOS puts the focus on the sensor.

An SOS request is framed in terms of the feature-of-interest (in your case 
either the ocean or a sampling-feature, such as a swath, related to the oce an) 
and the observed-property (e.g. temperature).  Yes, you can use SOS to approach 
the observations via knowledge of the identity of the sensor, but this is not 


Simon.Cox@xxxxxxxx  CSIRO Exploration & Mining
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-----Original Message-----
From: galeon-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:galeon-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Roy Mendelssohn
Sent: Wednesday, 17 September 2008 10:24 AM
To: Ben Domenico
Cc: Unidata GALEON
Subject: Re: [galeon] GALEON-related OGC Coverages Discussions

Hi Ben:

I haven't had a chance to stir up a pot for awhile, so I
couldn't resist on this one.  Less on the abstract
representation of coverages (sorry too old and too dumb, can
barely understand word one of those
things- I am still trying to grapple with the discussion from
a couple of years ago that everything is a "feature", which
implies if everything is then there is no discrimination
power to the term and therefore has no functional meaning),
but more on the idea that SOS, WFS, and the CDM say, for in
situ data are all just different ways of representing the
data.  I would argue that they are not, and that there is a
fundamental important difference.

First, though this is a little glib, I don't think WFS has
the data model for ocean observations, and most of what I
have seen just shove the data into some WFS structure because
you can.  So I want to focus on SOS (SWE) and CDM.  To my
mind, SOS is a step backwards, because it puts the focus on
the sensor, rather than on the ocean. For most of the GALEON
community the focus is on the ocean, and in this case the 4D
(5D if we count forecast time) ocean.  I am not at all
convinced, given some recent emails about WMS that I had, and
some recent WCS decisions, that the OGC community understands
nor is ready to embrace a 4-D ocean.

Let me give an analogy.  When an operation is going on in an
operating room, there are all sorts of sensors connecting to
the patient.  yes, it is important, at times, to get the
metadata for the sensor, in order to check it and calibrate
and the like.  But during the operation the key piece of
information is the state of the patient, as can be put
together from the different sensors, not the state of the
sensors.  SOS gives us the latter, while I would say GALEON's
main concern is the state of the ocean, that is the former.
The closest I have seen on the OGC world to the latter is
CSML.  Unfortunately, NOAA IOOS, at least as of now, did not
decide to go with CSML.  I would say rather than trying to
harmonize apples and oranges, a failed enterprise from the
start, let's work on harmonizing where the world view and
data model share an underlying common viewpoint.

-Roy putting on his asbestos jacket  :-)

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