Re: Teleconference outcomes

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I've postponed responding to this, thinking I could get things transferred to 
the GALEON OGC network site first.   But I'm still not very facile with the 
process of embedding pointers into the web pages on that site that point 
directly to others, so it may be a while before that gets done.  But I agree 
that's the place for the materials as soon as I get my act together.

As to the non-spatial height parameter and ISO,  I'm pretty sure this topic has 
come up fairly often within the OGC, so I'm hoping the OGC reps to ISO will be 
aware of the need.  But is there a place where we can go to find out who 
represents each country on the relevant standards body so we can contact them 

-- Ben

On 5/5/06, Woolf, A (Andrew) <A.Woolf@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Ben, Just a few comments (and apologies for being unable to
participate in the telcon).

First, should these docs be moved onto the OGC Network?

On the "WCS known issues" doc:

* Regarding 'non-traditional views' (e.g. Hovmullers). Some rather minor
modifications are needed to enable completely flexible slicing in WCS.
e.g. removing the requirement that RESX & RESY (or WIDTH and HEIGHT) are
mandatory, and unifying WMS, WCS approaches to the use of BBOX &
ELEVATION. (The NERC GALEON 1 report has more detail.)

* Regarding the non-spatial height parameter. There's a NWIP in with ISO
TC211 right now to extend ISO 19111 to non-spatial vertical coords. I'd
urge all interested parties to ensure their national standards body is
aware of the importance of supporting this proposal. This WCS issue
becomes a non-issue with the 19111 extension.

Best regards,
- Andrew

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