Re: GDAL NetCDF driver and projection.

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I have looked at the DODS OpeNDAP site and I could use the same metadata
structure to store NetCDF projection information.  This way if somebody
needs to convert from GTIFF to NetCDF, all projecton information could be
used by GRADS, Openev or other applications. I guess my main problem is
related on how the CF-1 convention from Unidata handle projections.   This
bring me to a main question:

What are the needs for projections in the GALEON projects?

I am the current GDAL NetCDF driver programmer, and would like to make the
driver as useful as it can be to the community.


Here are some notes on what was planned for storing projection, etc in
other parts of GDAL drivers.  To my knowledge, the never really propogated
through to the OPeNDAP driver.  If the NetCDF or HDF direct access GDAL
driver is updated that those changes propogate through to the OPeNDAP
driver so that the same NetCDF/HDF datasets are accessible via native
OPeNDAP server, Grads GDS and THREDDS.

At this point, a lot more support is there for local NetCDF/HDF files than
for support of those files through OPeNDAP.   Its on my rather large to do
list, but somewhere in the 2 year timeframe. (GeoTiff) (DODS/OPeNDAP)


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