WCS - server and client presentation

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we hope you are all well, and that progress with your WCS servers and
clients for netCDF are going well.

We have just finished our first release of a WCS server and client for
netCDF data, and have edited our presentation
for release to you for information.  I am happy to answer any questions
you may have, we crossed some hurdles with
our implementation, so fire away :-)

The presentation is attached, and shows MapServer WCS delivering netCDF
data to our visualisation client written
in IDL.  We converted netCDF data to Geotiff, and did some tricks with
MapServer (such as storing the vertical coordinates
in the describeCoverage), using Java we were able to store metadata in a
JDBC data, and do multithreaded ingest with JAI.

Writing an IDL client allows full access to IDL considerable post
processing, and display tools for netCDF data (hey, I had to put a
marketing bit in for
my boss!).

There are some open bugs with MapServer WCS, in particular 'on the fly'
reprojection, and a square pixel resolution error, which prevent this
begin the final solution.

I look forward to hearing your comments.

Norman Barker

Attachment: RSI_Galeon.ppt
Description: "RSI_Galeon.ppt"

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