Re: [conduit] NCO Conduit Transition to RHEL8

Hello CONDUIT Users,

The start date of the transition of NCO's Conduit servers to RHEL8 was
pushed back by one day due to Critical Weather Day on Tuesday 10/10.
Therefore our migration to the new systems began today, Wednesday October
11th. The transition will still take place over three days with our
operational servers now planned to migrate tomorrow*, Thursday October 12th* at

Changes on your end are not necessary and we are anticipating a seamless
transition. If however you do encounter issues that are *not resolved by an
LDM restart*, please report them to NCO Dataflow (ncep.pmb.dataflow@xxxxxxxx)
as soon as possible with a subject line that includes the text "CONDUIT

Thank you
NCO Dataflow Team

On Fri, Oct 6, 2023 at 12:44 PM Dustin Sheffler - NOAA Federal <
dustin.sheffler@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Attention CONDUIT Users,
> Beginning *Tuesday, October 10th, 2023* at *1300z*, NCO Dataflow will
> begin the migration of our CONDUIT systems to RHEL 8. The transition will
> take place over three days with our operational servers migrating on 
> *Wednesday,
> October 11th* at *1300z*. Changes on your end are not necessary and we
> are anticipating a seamless transition. If however you do encounter issues
> that are *not resolved by an LDM restart*, please report them to NCO
> Dataflow (ncep.pmb.dataflow@xxxxxxxx) as soon as possible with a subject
> line that includes the text "CONDUIT Issue".
> Thank you
> --
> NCO Dataflow Team
> ncep.pmb.dataflow@xxxxxxxx
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