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[McIDAS #OOQ-958289]: McIDAS 2007 on OS X install

Hi Tom,

> I think we're back to where I started. I'm pretty sure I did
> get it to build without error the first time through (probably with
> g77). I'm now running into the same problem that prompted
> me to write.


> I went onto the mcidas account and tried to start mcidas,
> but nothing happened. I sourced the user_env.csh
> (I had switched to C shell), and tried. No go.

I am not sure why you tried switching to the C-shell.  I just logged in
and see that the shell is still set as BASH.  Nonetheless, the environment
file you should source as 'mcidas' is ~mcidas/admin/mcidas_env.csh, not
~mcidas/admin/user_env.csh.  user_env.csh is for users other than 'mcidas'.

> I tried
> "macidasx" and was able to get the configuration display,
> but couldn't get it to start mcidas. This was as far as I got
> when I first wrote.

What happens when you run 'mcidas' instead of 'mcidasx'?  Better
yet, tell me what happens when you run:

mcidas -config

as 'mcidas'.  Please send all textual output if this does not work.

> I'm not sure what to try next.

I need to be able to _see_ what is happening to properly advise you.

> (I turned on the vine server
> for the mcidas account, so you can actually login with vnc,
> if you think that would help.)

I tried to connect to the Vine server using 'vncviewer' from my Fedora
Core 5 Linux machine using:

vncviewer buran.ggy.uga.edu:0

I was prompted for a password, but I did not have the one that it was
looking for.  Can you provide me the appropriate information?


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: OOQ-958289
Department: Support McIDAS
Priority: Normal
Status: Open