Announcing two new microlearning resources available now on Unidata eLearning.
Microlearning is a modular approach to online learning that focuses on a single objective. These resources can be appended to existing activities for just-in-time foundational scaffolding in a quick five to ten minutes. The duo of modules releasing today focus on foundational data literacy within the Earth Systems Sciences.
Multidimensional Data Structures
In this module, learners explore the concept of multidimensional data structures. Learners are introduced to necessary context to differentiate these datasets from tabular data, define components of the netCDF data model, visually explore the hierarchical nature of a netCDF file, and locate critical metadata in a multidimensional dataset.
Visit Multidimensional Data Structures
Getting Started with Siphon and THREDDS
This module introduces the mechanics of remote data access in Python via the THREDDS Data Server. Learners are introduced to the THREDDS ecosystem and replicate a demonstration using Python in a Jupyter Notebook. This critical understanding of remote data access unlocks the ability to use a vast library of data across the internet, and encourages a systems-thinking mindset in both data literacy and Python programming.
Visit Getting Started with Siphon and THREDDS
These modules and other offerings are available on Unidata eLearning.