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Re: XGKS: couldn't login to FTP server


>Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1999 08:53:22 +0100
>From: Rolf Schneider <address@hidden>
>Organization: Swiss Meteorological Institute
>To: address@hidden
>Subject: XGKS
>Keywords: 199911040753.AAA23285

In the above message, you wrote:

> I coudn't logging to your ftp Server: ftp://ftp.unidata.ucar.edu/pub/xgks
> The Message is: FTP Error
>               Could not login to FTP server

Our FTP server verifies the name of a client computer by looking
it up via DNS from the client computer's IP address.  If that name
can't be found or is not the same as that specified in the FTP
connection-request, then the connection is denied.

I suggest that you connect to our FTP server from a computer whose name
is known to the outside world.

Steve Emmerson   <http://www.unidata.ucar.edu>