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[Support #MJA-592376]: FW: Unable to locat netcdf specification (UNCLASSIFIED)

Hi Jennifer,

> I was hoping that one of you might be able to help me.  I work for
> the Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO) and I am trying to submit
> the NetCDF-4 format as a data standard to the Department of Defense
> Information Standards Registry (DISR).  The DISR is the approved
> standards registry for the DoD.  Accordingly, if you are a DoD
> agency, you can only use standards that are approved and registered
> in the DISR.  Since NAVOCEANO uses the NetCDF-4 data file standard
> quite extensively, I am trying to get it registered into the DISR
> for approval to use.
> Attached is what I have submitted and below are questions I am
> receiving from DISR about the standard.  I think the DISR people are
> looking for a document entitled "NetCDF-4" (not ESDS-RFC-011v1.00)
> that defines what the format is.  I actually don't care what they
> call the standard that is submitted, so long as we can continue to
> store our Ocean Forecast Model data in a NetCDF-4 format.  Can you
> help me?

Yes, you might want to start with the recently approved NASA ESDS
standard for netCDF-4 (ESDS-RFC-022), available by following the link
to the PDF file from this table of NASA Earth science standards:


The document title NASA uses is "NetCDF-4/HDF5 File Format, with
guidance on how to write netCDF conformant files using the HDF API":



Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                      http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: MJA-592376
Department: Support
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed