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[netCDF #SNB-841615]: windows help with netcdf

> Dear Ed,
> Hi! Ok, what I did was click on the example program, and it opens
> up in the Visual FORTRAN
> program - and yes, I did try compiling it in that workspace. I know
> that the netcdf.mod file
> exists, but I am convinced that I have it in the wrong place. I just
> don't know what the right place
> is.

Well this will not work. Visual FORTRAN has it's own, proprietary build system,
and we don't support that. So you will not be able to build the netCDF library
within visual FORTRAN, and that includes the examples as well.

You will be able to develop code that calls netCDF, you just won't be able to
build the netCDF examples unless you cope with the visual fortran environment
and figure out how to build them.

It doesn't matter where the .mod file is, as long as visual fortran knows where
to find it. There will be a way of setting directories to search in the
properties window of visual fortran for your project.

> What is the netcdf build process? And if that is too stupid a
> question, I apologize. Really, here

Sorry, what I should of asked was: are you installing netCDF? Or netCDF already
exists on your machine and you are trying to use it?

> is what I am trying to do - I created a data file on the SABER
> website - all I want ot be
> able to do is view the header to see the format so I can read the
> data using IDL and plot it.

Doesn't IDL already have the capability to read netCDF files? I don't use IDL,
but a quick google shows me that it's supposed to be able to read netCDF

> Thanks for your patience. 8-)
> Patti

I used to work at Goddard too. Three Brothers Pizza, over by the Greenbelt
metro stop, has some of the best food on the East Coast!

Once we solve your problem, you can go get a slice of pizza and mail it too me.
Don't forget the steamed shrimp!



Ticket Details
Ticket ID: SNB-841615
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Open