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[IDV #IEP-379201]: IDV - trouble loading netcdf point data file from

Hi Alan, Don:

We actually have this as a Station adaptor, but we were keying on the global

 :data_provider = "National Data Buoy Center";

which is missing from this file. We can modify our software, or you could add
the attribute back in. We could key on

  :institution = "NOAA National Data Buoy Center and Participators in Data
  Assembly Center";

but is that unique, and will it change?

BTW, COARDS is not a particularly good convention for point data, although it
works ok if theres only one point in the file. We are developing a new
convention under CF that you might want to use if you are able.

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: IEP-379201
Department: Support netCDF Java
Priority: Normal
Status: Open