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[Support #XEX-904945]: [Fwd: reading netcdf]

Hi Ben,

You created your program by modifying an example program


that reads in some sample data and after each read checks that it matched what 
was expected, which was written out by another sample program in 


I think the "STOP 2" is just because you kept the code from the example in your 
program, but your data is nothing like what was written in the example, so you 
shouldn't expect it to match the same pattern that the example is testing for.

In other words, I think all you need to do is just delete this code (and maybe 
the loops containing it) and instead put in code for whatever you need to do to 
the data after reading it in:

              if (uwin_in(lon, lat, lvl) /= SAMPLE_UWIND + i) stop 2
               print*, 'pass'
              if (vwin_in(lon, lat, lvl) /= SAMPLE_VWIN + i) stop 2
               print*, 'pass vwin'
              i = i + 1


Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                     http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: XEX-904945
Department: Support netCDF
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed