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Re: netCDF, GMT and Mac OS X

I can see why you might conclude we have no support for Mac OSX,
since it's not actually mentioned anywhere on our "NetCDF Installation
and Porting Guide" page at

Sorry, I should still have found it, but last time I looked (a month ago) I couldn't figure it out.  It would be great if it could be listed for explicitly up front.

Is there a way to tell if
a given Mac system is a G4 or G5, using a command-line program such as
"uname -a"?  We may actually have access to a G5 system, but I'm
having trouble determining that remotely in an ssh session.

Yes.  If uname tells you your on OSX (Darwin etc) you can run the command "machine" which will return the chip (ppc7450 on my G4 laptop, ppc970 on my dual G5 as well as our iMac; I dont know what it returns on G3s but they would behave similarly to the G4s anyway.  Next year we may have to add an Intel chip check...).

