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20040308: invoking NETCDF-3.5.1 configure script

ASN Murty,

> To: address@hidden
> From: Satyanarayana Murty <address@hidden>
> Subject: Installation problems of NETCDF3.5.1
> Organization: ?
> Keywords: 200403060623.i266NorV006189 netCDF 3.5.1 Solaris 5.8

The above message contained the following:

> Dear Sir,
>               I have downlaoded the Netcdf3.5.1 to install it on the solaris 
> OS5.8.
> I face problem while typing 'make' command.I followed the following steps:
> Steps:
> -created a directory NETCDF at /user3/sudhakar (: in which I work)
> -unpacked the netcdf.tar.z at /user3/sudhakar/NETCDF
> -then cd to netcdf3.5.1
> -then cd to src
> -then typed /user3/sudhakar/NETCDF/netcdf3.5.1/src/configure
> -then typed /user3/sudhakar/NETCDF/netcdf3.5.1/src/make
> message is: "command not found"
> kindly guie me how to install the netcdf in my system in Sun solarisOs5.8.
> with regards.
> ASN Murty

Please send me the output from the following commands:

    cd /user3/sudhakar/NETCDF/netcdf3.5.1/src
    ls -l configure

Steve Emmerson