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Re: 20040301: ncview problems

>To: address@hidden
>From: Kathy Fischer <address@hidden>
>Subject: ncview problems
>Organization: NCAR/CGD
>Keywords: 200403012231.i21MVjrV008588 netCDF ncview


> flagstaff:adai/webdata/sfcObs>ncdump -c sfc?bs-monthly-3hrly-1971-1996mean.nc
> ncdump: sfcObs-monthly-3hrly-1971-1996mean.nc: Invalid dimension id or name
> flagstaff:adai/webdata/sfcObs>
> Russ, I have tried this on several different files, owned by several 
> different 
> users.  Same result no matter the file, owner, or directory.  Oh, i've also 
> tried this logged in as the user that owns the file.

Well at least that demonstrates the problem has nothing to do with
ncview.  Now we need to determine if the problem is with the files,
which might all be corrupt from some consistent problem in the way you
obtained them (for example, copying them with FTP as text rather than
binary files), or with your netCDF library.  Could you give me access
to one of the files, either by sending it as an email attachment (if
it's small) or putting it on a web server or FTP server where I can
get it?  Thanks!
