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20031118: netcdf data problem


> To: <address@hidden>
> From: "Birgit Heese" <address@hidden>
> Subject: netcdf data problem
> Organization: MIM

The above message contained the following:

> I have a problem in replacing some variables in a netcdf-file. I am =
> getting some additional zeros at the end of the data. I am just opening =
> the file and cheching the variable id and then putting a new value for =
> this variable. I am not manipulating the data itselv at all. =
> Nevertheless, the program is adding zeros behind the data.=20
> inside a loop for jfil I am doing:=20
> *************************************************************************=
> *****************************
> retint =3D nf_open =
> (trim(mess_dir)//jahr_dir//"spo_data\"//sub_dir//filename(jfil)//".adf", =
> nf_write, adf_unit)
>   =20
>    alt=3Daltitude(jfil)
>    lat=3Dlatitude(jfil)
>    lon=3Dlongitude(jfil)
>    retint =3D nf_inq_varid (adf_unit, "altitude", var_id(1))
>    retint =3D nf_put_var_real (adf_unit, var_id(1),alt)
>    retint =3D nf_inq_varid (adf_unit, "latitude", var_id(2))
>    retint =3D nf_put_var_real (adf_unit, var_id(2),lat)
>    retint =3D nf_inq_varid (adf_unit, "longitude", var_id(3))
>    retint =3D nf_put_var_real (adf_unit, var_id(3),lon)
>    retint =3D nf_close (adf_unit)
> *********************************************************************
> I send you one file before this procedure (*.adfold) and one file after =
> replacing the three variables (*.adfnew) .=20
> Thanks for a hint!=20

I'm afraid that I don't understand the problem.  The files that you sent
me have only the following differences:

    $ ncdump 1112222623.adfnew >new
    $ ncdump 1112222623.adfold >old
    $ diff -c old new | less
    *** old Tue Nov 18 08:38:40 2003
    --- new Tue Nov 18 08:38:34 2003
    *** 130,140 ****
       trigger_bin = 1 ;
    !  altitude = 0 ;
    !  latitude = 3 ;
    !  longitude = 52 ;
       deltar_bin = 1 ;
    --- 130,140 ----
       trigger_bin = 1 ;
    !  altitude = 2 ;
    !  latitude = 0 ;
    !  longitude = -0 ;
       deltar_bin = 1 ;

In other words, the only differences between the file are the values of 
the variables that the code changed.  This is how it should be.

> Kind regards,
> Birgit Heese
> --
> Dr. Birgit Heese
> =20
> Meteorological Institute Univ. of Munich
> Department Radiation and Remote Sensing
> Theresienstr. 37=20
> 80333 Munich
> Germany=20
> Tel:  +49 89 2180 4608
> Fax:  +49 89 2180 4381
> Email: address@hidden
> Internet: =
> http://www.meteo.physik.uni-muenchen.de/strahlung/lidar/polis/polis_index=
> _pub.htm

Steve Emmerson