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Re: Problem to compile NetCDF 3.5 (fwd)

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Date:    Fri, 25 Jul 2003 10:32:38 -0600
From:    Russ Rew <address@hidden>
To:      Andre Matos <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: Problem to compile NetCDF 3.5 

>To: address@hidden
>From:  Andre Matos <address@hidden>
>Subject: Re: 20030725: Problem to compile NetCDF 3.5
>Keywords: C++ g++ Linux RedHat 9

> I am get an error when I try to compile NetCDF 3.5 in Linux RedHat 9. I
> receive a mensage that I don't have a c++ compiler. I created an c++ program
> and I compile without problem.
> Do you have any ideia what is going on?

Yes, for RedHat 9.0 which uses the latest g++ 3.x compilers, you must
use the netCDF 3.5.1 beta release that includes updates to the C++
interface for more recent C++ compilers:


Also, please send netCDF support questions to address@hidden
rather than my email address, as that way you will get an answer even
if I'm on vacation or away from my email.  Thanks.


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