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Re: 20030220: netCDF Windows - NT 4.0 - Interfacing Dyalog APL with netCDF

Len: I dont know about using netcdf with Dyalog APL.

I suggenst you post this question to address@hidden to see if anyone in the community knows about this.

To: address@hidden
From: "Len Koenig" <address@hidden>
Subject: netCDF Windows - NT 4.0 - Interfacing Dyalog APL with netCDF
Organization: EXXON
Keywords: 200302202059.h1KKx2O10740 netCDF Windows NT 4.0

Institution: ExxonMobil Research and Engineering
Package Version: netcdf-3.5.0
Operating System: NT 4.0
Hardware Information: Dell CPx Laptop (384 meg memory)
Inquiry: This is silly abstraction of the NetCDF DLL using Dyalog APL.

I'm able to do lots of inquiries into an .nc file and waas getting
hopeful, but amy dying on the ncvarget calls.

I'm starting with simple single dimension arrays but the DLL exits and
takes my APL session with it.

Has anyone integrated the NetCDF.DLL with APL to your knowledge.

It seems like a marriage made in heaven, and if I could blatantly pifer
some one elses effort... I\'d love to.

I contacted the APL vendor (Dyadic in the UK) re: same, but have heard
nothing back.

Any guidance you could provide would be most appreciated.

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