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Re: Fortran 90 on Windows (fwd)

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Date:    Wed, 05 Jun 2002 09:03:45 +0800
From:    Dirk Slawinski <address@hidden>
To:      "John Caron" <address@hidden>,
         "netcdfgroup" <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: Fortran 90 on Windows

At 9:31 AM -0600 4/6/02, John Caron wrote:
>Has anyone built the Fortran 90 interface of netcdf 3.5 library on Windows?
>In particular, using Compaq Fortran v 6.6 ?

ahh... welcome to windows hell!!!  I bet you wish those makefiles 
worked  =;P  I have had success with the f77 ones:


but have not yet focused on the f90.  Although I'd much rather use 
them =:(  As a fist cut I'd suggest making a new "library project" 
then add all the f90 files to your "project" and then build 
dependencies.  This will sort out which bits go where.  Then make the 
library, copy/move it into a default lib directory and then copy/move 
the .mod files to a default include directory.  This should get you 

PS: personally I would not use the Compaq/DEC compiler alone as we 
have found it lacking in catching errors.  We use Lahey for our real 
though testing.  I can't give you specifics, but they have caused 
some major headaches.
                                               TTFN  Dirk  =:>

|     Dirk Slawinski       |   The Centre for Water Research   |
|   Research Associate     |  University of Western Australia  |
| Contract Research Group  |     CRICOS Provider No 00126G     |
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|   WEB:  http://www.cwr.uwa.edu.au/~slawinski/      v   _(@)_ |
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|           Providing solutions for the sustainable            |
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