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20001127: netCDF installation problem: macro EEXIST undefined


> To: "'address@hidden'" <address@hidden>
> From: GUILBAUD <address@hidden>
> Subject: netCDF installation problem
> Organization: UCAR/Unidata
> Keywords: 200011271116.eARBGpo25918

The above message contained the following:

> Hello
> I have somes installations problems, I send you the differents informations
> about this problem as it explain in the REPORTING PROBLEM level 6
> Making `all' in directory 
> /nfs/obiou/users1/guilbaud/netCDF/netcdf-3.4/src/libsrc
>       /bin/c89 -c  -I.  -DNDEBUG attr.c
>       /bin/c89 -c  -I.  -DNDEBUG dim.c
>       /bin/c89 -c  -I.  -DNDEBUG error.c
>       /bin/c89 -c  -I.  -DNDEBUG -DVERSION=`cat ../VERSION` libvers.c
>       /bin/c89 -c  -I.  -DNDEBUG nc.c
> cc: "nc.c", line 857: error 1588: "EEXIST" undefined.

It looks like your C development environment is faulty.  The file
"nc.c" includes the header-file "nc.h", which includes the header-file
"netcdf.h", which includes the C-system header-file "errno.h", which is
*required* to define the macro EEXIST.

I suggest that you define the C macro _HPUX_SOURCE before compiling the
source files.  Do the following:

    1.  Go to the top-level source directory.

    2.  Perform steps 3 through 5 near the end of the INSTALL file.

    3.  Ensure that the environment variable CPPFLAGS contains the

    4.  Perform steps 6 through 9 near the end of the INSTALL file.

Please let me know if this helps.

Steve Emmerson   <http://www.unidata.ucar.edu>