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Re: 20001017: attributes "friend" are not allowed

>To: address@hidden
>From: Jongil Han <address@hidden>
>Subject: Re: 20001017: attributes "friend" are not allowed
>Organization: UCSD
>Keywords: 200010171538.e9HFcl422289


> By the way, could you send me a sample fortran program to read netcdf 
> data set if you have?  As a beginer, it's not easy to figure out and be 
> familiar with netcdf data set. A sample program that uses netcdf library 
> and utility would be very helpful.

There are now two Fortran interfaces, one for Fortran-77 and one for
Fortran-90.  The latter is contained in the netcdf-3.5 beta release,
and will be in the final netCDF-3.5 release to be made available in
the next week or two.  It is described at 


But I assume you want to use the Fortran 77 interface in netCDF 3.4,
which is also available in netCDF 3.5.  An overview of the netCDF
calls needed to read data is in the "Use of the NetCDF Library"
chapter of the "NetCDF User's Guide for FORTRAN" at


See especially section 4.2 and 4.3.

I've also appended an example of a Fortran program that reads netCDF

You can generate examples of Fortran programs that write netCDF data
by first creating a "CDL file" (a text version of a binary netCDF
file, see the User's Guide) and then using the ncgen utility with the
"-f" option to generate the Fortran code needed to create the
corresponding netCDF file.

There is also a large test program in the nf_test/ directory that
demonstrates every feature of the interface ...



Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                     http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

      program fgennc
      include 'netcdf.inc'
* error status return
      integer  iret
* netCDF id
      integer  ncid
* dimension ids
      integer  m_dim
      integer  n_dim
      integer  r_dim
* dimension lengths
      integer  m_len
      integer  n_len
      integer  r_len
      parameter (m_len = 3)
      parameter (n_len = 2)
      parameter (r_len = NF_UNLIMITED)
* variable ids
      integer  w_id
      integer  x_id
      integer  y_id
      integer  z_id
* rank (number of dimensions) for each variable
      integer  w_rank
      integer  x_rank
      integer  y_rank
      integer  z_rank
      parameter (w_rank = 1)
      parameter (x_rank = 2)
      parameter (y_rank = 1)
      parameter (z_rank = 2)
* variable shapes
      integer  w_dims(w_rank)
      integer  x_dims(x_rank)
      integer  y_dims(y_rank)
      integer  z_dims(z_rank)
* data variables
      real  w(m_len)
      real  x(n_len, m_len)

* open file
      iret = nf_open('md.nc', NF_NOWRITE, ncid)
      call check_err(iret)

* read w array as reals
      iret = nf_inq_varid(ncid, 'w', w_id)
      call check_err(iret)

      iret = nf_get_var_real(ncid, w_id, w)
      call check_err(iret)

      print *, w(1), w(2), w(3)
      iret = nf_close(ncid)
      call check_err(iret)
      subroutine writerecs(ncid,y_id,z_id)
* netCDF id
      integer  ncid
* variable ids
      integer  y_id
      integer  z_id
      include 'netcdf.inc'
* error status return
      integer  iret
* netCDF dimension sizes for dimensions used with record variables
      integer  n_len
      parameter (n_len = 2)
* rank (number of dimensions) for each variable
      integer  y_rank
      integer  z_rank
      parameter (y_rank = 1)
      parameter (z_rank = 2)
* starts and counts for array sections of record variables
      integer  y_start(y_rank), y_count(y_rank)
      integer  z_start(z_rank), z_count(z_rank)
* data variables
      integer  y_nr
      parameter (y_nr = 2)
      real  y(y_nr)
      integer  z_nr
      parameter (z_nr = 2)
      real  z(n_len, z_nr)
      data y /-1, -2/
      data z /-11, -12, -21, -22/
* store y
      y_start(1) = 1
      y_count(1) = y_nr
      iret = nf_put_vara_real(ncid, y_id, y_start, y_count, y)
      call check_err(iret)
* store z
      z_start(1) = 1
      z_start(2) = 1
      z_count(1) = n_len
      z_count(2) = z_nr
      iret = nf_put_vara_real(ncid, z_id, z_start, z_count, z)
      call check_err(iret)
      subroutine check_err(iret)
      integer iret
      include 'netcdf.inc'
      if (iret .ne. NF_NOERR) then
      print *, nf_strerror(iret)