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Re: 20000824: netCDF "packer" program

>To: address@hidden
>From: address@hidden
>Organization: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
>Keywords: 200008241018.e7OAION05354 netCDF


> I wonder if there is a packer program able to merge different
> variables' netCDF files (files obtained from NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis ftp
> site with the extension .nc) in one grib file that will contain all
> necessary information or another converter that can produce files
> compatible to ARL format (so as to be used with Hysplit dispersion model
> of NOAA).

Sorry, we don't have information about the ARL format or conversion
programs that produce files compatible to the ARL format.

We also don't know of any single program that will merge variables
from several netCDF files into a GRIB file, but you could treat this
as two separate problems:

 1.  Merge variables from multiple netCDF files into one netCDF file.
 2.  Convert a netCDF file into a GRIB file.

For the first problem, several utilities might do what you want:

 - utilities from the NCO (netCDF operators) package, available from
 - the "nccat" program, available from
 - the "nccatm" or "ncmerge" utilities, described at
 - other software utilities for netCDF data briefly described at

For the second problem, I found a previous reply to a similar question


If you know the netCDF data will be representable in the GRIB data
model, you might use GrADS, which supports reading and writing data in
various formats.  See


for more information.



Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program
address@hidden                     http://www.unidata.ucar.edu