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>Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2000 12:39:43 -0700
>From: "Denise Maddix" <address@hidden>
>Organization: LLNL
>To: Steve Emmerson <address@hidden>
>Subject: Re: 20000606: NCNOFILL and "NOT A NETCDF FILE"
>Keywords: 200006061554.e56FsMT15293

In the above message, you wrote:

> I am sending you my test code in the attachment files.  I have included
> the Makefile for a DEC ALPHA using F90 and the F90 modules.
> I have included the main program 'netcdf_test.f90' which uses the
> modules, precision_con.f90 and the netcdf_init.f90 module.  The
> 'netcdf_init.f90
> module is the one which contains routines which define the dimension ids
> and variable ids for a 3D and 4D array, and prints out the arrays.
> The netcdf_init.f90 module uses the global_con.f90 and the netcdf3_con.f90
> module.  It calls ncsfil and then when running I donot get
> a good netCDF file.  If I comment out this call, I do get a good file,
> when using ncdump. Also this version loads netcdf3.4 with the appropriate
> netcdf3_con.f90 file.  When I load with netcdf2.4, I donot have a problem.

I was able to reproduce your problem here on our Alpha/OSF1 system.

You've stumbled upon a bug in the I/O layer of the current netCDF
release.  The bug is very hard to tickle -- but you managed it.
Congratulations! :-)

The fix is to replace the source-file "libsrc/posixio.c" with the one
from the soon-to-be-released netCDF version 3.5 package (which I've

I've verified that your problem doesn't occur with the new posixio.c

Try the following:

    1.  Go to the top-level source directory of your netCDF

    2.  Replace file "libsrc/posixio.c" with the enclosed version.

    3.  Rebuild and reinstall the netCDF package.

    4.  Test your stuff against the new netCDF installation.

Please let me know if this helps.

Steve Emmerson   <http://www.unidata.ucar.edu>

--------Begin "libsrc/posixio.c"
 *      Copyright 1996, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
 *      See netcdf/COPYRIGHT file for copying and redistribution conditions.
/* $Id: posixio.c,v 1.68 1999/08/24 17:18:19 steve Exp $ */

#include "ncconfig.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#ifndef ENOERR
#define ENOERR 0
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER /* Microsoft Compilers */
#include <io.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#ifndef SEEK_SET
#define SEEK_SET 0
#define SEEK_CUR 1
#define SEEK_END 2

#include "ncio.h"
#include "fbits.h"
#include "rnd.h"

/* #define INSTRUMENT 1 */
#if INSTRUMENT /* debugging */
#undef NDEBUG
#include <stdio.h>
#include "instr.h"

#undef MIN  /* system may define MIN somewhere and complain */
#define MIN(mm,nn) (((mm) < (nn)) ? (mm) : (nn))

#if !defined(NDEBUG) && !defined(X_INT_MAX)
#define  X_INT_MAX 2147483647

#if 0 /* !defined(NDEBUG) && !defined(X_ALIGN) */
#define  X_ALIGN 4
#undef X_ALIGN

 * Define the following for debugging.
/* #define ALWAYS_NC_SHARE 1 */

/* Begin OS */

static int ncio_px_sync(ncio *const nciop);

 * What is the system pagesize?
static size_t
/* Hmm, aren't standards great? */
#if defined(_SC_PAGE_SIZE) && !defined(_SC_PAGESIZE)

                const long pgsz = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
                if(pgsz > 0)
                        return (size_t) pgsz;
                /* else, silent in the face of error */
#elif defined(HAVE_GETPAGESIZE)
        return (size_t) getpagesize();
        return (size_t) POSIXIO_DEFAULT_PAGESIZE;

 * What is the preferred I/O block size?
static size_t
blksize(int fd)
#if defined(HAVE_ST_BLKSIZE)
        struct stat sb;
        if (fstat(fd, &sb) > -1)
                if(sb.st_blksize >= 8192)
                        return (size_t) sb.st_blksize;
                return 8192;
        /* else, silent in the face of error */
        return (size_t) 2 * pagesize();

 * Sortof like ftruncate, except won't make the
 * file shorter.
static int
fgrow(const int fd, const off_t len)
        struct stat sb;
        if (fstat(fd, &sb) < 0)
                return errno;
        if (len < sb.st_size)
                return ENOERR;
#if defined(HAVE_FTRUNCATE)
        if (ftruncate(fd, len) < 0)
                return errno;
                const long dumb = 0;
                        /* cache current position */
                const off_t pos = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_CUR);
                if(pos < 0)
                        return errno;
                if (lseek(fd, len-sizeof(dumb), SEEK_SET) < 0)
                        return errno;
                if(write(fd, &dumb, sizeof(dumb)) < 0)
                        return errno;
                if (lseek(fd, pos, SEEK_SET) < 0)
                        return errno;
#endif /* HAVE_FTRUNCATE */
        /* else */
        return ENOERR;

/* End OS */
/* Begin px */

static int
px_pgout(ncio *const nciop, 
        off_t const offset,  const size_t extent,
        void *const vp, off_t *posp)
#ifdef X_ALIGN
        assert(offset % X_ALIGN == 0);

        assert(*posp == OFF_NONE || *posp == lseek(nciop->fd, 0, SEEK_CUR));

        if(*posp != offset)
                if(lseek(nciop->fd, offset, SEEK_SET) != offset)
                        return errno;
                *posp = offset;
        if(write(nciop->fd, vp, extent) != (ssize_t) extent)
                return errno;
        *posp += extent;

        return ENOERR;

static int
px_pgin(ncio *const nciop,
        off_t const offset, const size_t extent,
        void *const vp, size_t *nreadp, off_t *posp)
        int status;
        ssize_t nread;

#ifdef X_ALIGN
        assert(offset % X_ALIGN == 0);
        assert(extent % X_ALIGN == 0);

        assert(*posp == OFF_NONE || *posp == lseek(nciop->fd, 0, SEEK_CUR));

        if(*posp != offset)
                if(lseek(nciop->fd, offset, SEEK_SET) != offset)
                        status = errno;
                        return status;
                *posp = offset;

        errno = 0;
        nread = read(nciop->fd, vp, extent);
        if(nread != (ssize_t) extent)
                status = errno;
                if(nread == -1 || status != ENOERR)
                        return status;
                /* else it's okay we read less than asked for */
                (void) memset((char *)vp + nread, 0, (ssize_t)extent - nread);
        *nreadp = nread;
        *posp += nread;

        return ENOERR;

typedef struct ncio_px {
        size_t blksz;
        off_t pos;
        /* buffer */
        off_t   bf_offset; 
        size_t  bf_extent;
        size_t  bf_cnt;
        void    *bf_base;
        int     bf_rflags;
        int     bf_refcount;
        /* chain for double buffering in px_move */
        struct ncio_px *slave;
} ncio_px;

static int
px_rel(ncio_px *const pxp, off_t offset, int rflags)
        assert(pxp->bf_offset <= offset
                 && offset < pxp->bf_offset + (off_t) pxp->bf_extent);
        assert(pIf(fIsSet(rflags, RGN_MODIFIED),
                fIsSet(pxp->bf_rflags, RGN_WRITE)));

        if(fIsSet(rflags, RGN_MODIFIED))
                fSet(pxp->bf_rflags, RGN_MODIFIED);

        return ENOERR;

static int
ncio_px_rel(ncio *const nciop, off_t offset, int rflags)
        ncio_px *const pxp = (ncio_px *)nciop->pvt;

        if(fIsSet(rflags, RGN_MODIFIED) && !fIsSet(nciop->ioflags, NC_WRITE))
                return EPERM; /* attempt to write readonly file */

        return px_rel(pxp, offset, rflags);

static int
px_get(ncio *const nciop, ncio_px *const pxp,
                off_t offset, size_t extent,
                int rflags,
                void **const vpp)
        int status = ENOERR;

        const off_t blkoffset = _RNDDOWN(offset, (off_t)pxp->blksz);
        size_t diff = (size_t)(offset - blkoffset);
        size_t blkextent = _RNDUP(diff + extent, pxp->blksz);
        assert(extent != 0);
        assert(extent < X_INT_MAX); /* sanity check */
        assert(offset >= 0); /* sanity check */
        assert(offset < X_INT_MAX); /* sanity check */

        if(2 * pxp->blksz < blkextent)
                return E2BIG; /* TODO: temporary kludge */
        if(pxp->bf_offset == OFF_NONE)
                /* Uninitialized */
                if(pxp->bf_base == NULL)
                        assert(pxp->bf_extent == 0);
                        assert(blkextent <= 2 * pxp->blksz);
                        pxp->bf_base = malloc(2 * pxp->blksz);
                        if(pxp->bf_base == NULL)
                                return ENOMEM;
                goto pgin;
        /* else */
        assert(blkextent <= 2 * pxp->blksz);

        if(blkoffset == pxp->bf_offset)
                /* hit */
                if(blkextent > pxp->bf_extent) 
                        /* page in upper */
                        void *const middle =
                                (void *)((char *)pxp->bf_base + pxp->blksz);
                        assert(pxp->bf_extent == pxp->blksz);
                        status = px_pgin(nciop,
                                 pxp->bf_offset + (off_t)pxp->blksz,
                        if(status != ENOERR)
                                return status;
                        pxp->bf_extent = 2 * pxp->blksz;
                        pxp->bf_cnt += pxp->blksz;
                goto done;
        /* else */

        if(pxp->bf_extent > pxp->blksz
                 && blkoffset == pxp->bf_offset + pxp->blksz)
                /* hit in upper half */
                if(blkextent == pxp->blksz)
                        /* all in upper half, no fault needed */
                        diff += pxp->blksz;
                        goto done;
                /* else */
                if(pxp->bf_cnt > pxp->blksz)
                        /* data in upper half */
                        void *const middle =
                                (void *)((char *)pxp->bf_base + pxp->blksz);
                        assert(pxp->bf_extent == 2 * pxp->blksz);
                        if(fIsSet(pxp->bf_rflags, RGN_MODIFIED))
                                /* page out lower half */
                                assert(pxp->bf_refcount <= 0);
                                status = px_pgout(nciop,
                                if(status != ENOERR)
                                        return status;
                        pxp->bf_cnt -= pxp->blksz;
                        /* copy upper half into lower half */
                        (void) memcpy(pxp->bf_base, middle, pxp->bf_cnt);
                pxp->bf_offset = blkoffset;
                /* pxp->bf_extent = pxp->blksz; */

                assert(blkextent == 2 * pxp->blksz);
                        /* page in upper */
                        void *const middle =
                                (void *)((char *)pxp->bf_base + pxp->blksz);
                        status = px_pgin(nciop,
                                 pxp->bf_offset + (off_t)pxp->blksz,
                        if(status != ENOERR)
                                return status;
                        pxp->bf_extent = 2 * pxp->blksz;
                        pxp->bf_cnt += pxp->blksz;
                goto done;
        /* else */

        if(blkoffset == pxp->bf_offset - pxp->blksz)
                /* wants the page below */
                void *const middle =
                        (void *)((char *)pxp->bf_base + pxp->blksz);
                size_t upper_cnt = 0;
                if(pxp->bf_cnt > pxp->blksz)
                        /* data in upper half */
                        assert(pxp->bf_extent == 2 * pxp->blksz);
                        if(fIsSet(pxp->bf_rflags, RGN_MODIFIED))
                                /* page out upper half */
                                assert(pxp->bf_refcount <= 0);
                                status = px_pgout(nciop,
                                        pxp->bf_offset + (off_t)pxp->blksz,
                                        pxp->bf_cnt - pxp->blksz,
                                if(status != ENOERR)
                                        return status;
                        pxp->bf_cnt = pxp->blksz;
                        pxp->bf_extent = pxp->blksz;
                if(pxp->bf_cnt > 0)
                        /* copy lower half into upper half */
                        (void) memcpy(middle, pxp->bf_base, pxp->blksz);
                        upper_cnt = pxp->bf_cnt;
                /* read page below into lower half */
                status = px_pgin(nciop,
                if(status != ENOERR)
                        return status;
                pxp->bf_offset = blkoffset;
                if(upper_cnt != 0)
                        pxp->bf_extent = 2 * pxp->blksz;
                        pxp->bf_cnt = pxp->blksz + upper_cnt;
                        pxp->bf_extent = pxp->blksz;
                goto done;
        /* else */

        /* no overlap */
        if(fIsSet(pxp->bf_rflags, RGN_MODIFIED))
                assert(pxp->bf_refcount <= 0);
                status = px_pgout(nciop,
                if(status != ENOERR)
                        return status;
                pxp->bf_rflags = 0;

        status = px_pgin(nciop,
        if(status != ENOERR)
                return status;
         pxp->bf_offset = blkoffset;
         pxp->bf_extent = blkextent;

        extent += diff;
        if(pxp->bf_cnt < extent)
                pxp->bf_cnt = extent;
        assert(pxp->bf_cnt <= pxp->bf_extent);

        pxp->bf_rflags |= rflags;

        *vpp = (char *)pxp->bf_base + diff;
        return ENOERR;

static int
ncio_px_get(ncio *const nciop, 
                off_t offset, size_t extent,
                int rflags,
                void **const vpp)       /* NULL => force read */
        ncio_px *const pxp = (ncio_px *)nciop->pvt;
        if(fIsSet(rflags, RGN_WRITE) && !fIsSet(nciop->ioflags, NC_WRITE))
                return EPERM; /* attempt to write readonly file */

         * If the base of the stream buffer is NULL, then a read is forced
         * for synchronization purposes (see fault_v1hs() in v1hpg.c).  The
         * implementation is based on ncio_spx_rel() in this file.
        if (*vpp == NULL)
            pxp->bf_offset = OFF_NONE;
            pxp->bf_cnt = 0;

        /* reclaim space used in move */
        if(pxp->slave != NULL)
                if(pxp->slave->bf_base != NULL)
                        pxp->slave->bf_base = NULL;
                        pxp->slave->bf_extent = 0;
                        pxp->slave->bf_offset = OFF_NONE;
                pxp->slave = NULL;
        return px_get(nciop, pxp, offset, extent, rflags, vpp);

static int
px_double_buffer(ncio *const nciop, off_t to, off_t from,
                        size_t nbytes, int rflags)
        ncio_px *const pxp = (ncio_px *)nciop->pvt;
        int status = ENOERR;
        void *src;
        void *dest;
fprintf(stderr, "\tdouble_buffr %ld %ld %ld\n",
                 (long)to, (long)from, (long)nbytes);
        status = px_get(nciop, pxp, to, nbytes, RGN_WRITE,
        if(status != ENOERR)
                return status;

        if(pxp->slave == NULL)
                pxp->slave = (ncio_px *) malloc(sizeof(ncio_px));
                if(pxp->slave == NULL)
                        return ENOMEM;

                pxp->slave->blksz = pxp->blksz;
                /* pos done below */
                pxp->slave->bf_offset = pxp->bf_offset; 
                pxp->slave->bf_extent = pxp->bf_extent;
                pxp->slave->bf_cnt = pxp->bf_cnt;
                pxp->slave->bf_base = malloc(2 * pxp->blksz);
                if(pxp->slave->bf_base == NULL)
                        return ENOMEM;
                (void) memcpy(pxp->slave->bf_base, pxp->bf_base,
                pxp->slave->bf_rflags = 0;
                pxp->slave->bf_refcount = 0;
                pxp->slave->slave = NULL;
        pxp->slave->pos = pxp->pos;
        status = px_get(nciop, pxp->slave, from, nbytes, 0,
        if(status != ENOERR)
                return status;
        if(pxp->pos != pxp->slave->pos)
                /* position changed, sync */
                pxp->pos = pxp->slave->pos;

        (void) memcpy(dest, src, nbytes);

        (void)px_rel(pxp->slave, from, 0);
        (void)px_rel(pxp, to, RGN_MODIFIED);
        return status;

static int
ncio_px_move(ncio *const nciop, off_t to, off_t from,
                        size_t nbytes, int rflags)
        ncio_px *const pxp = (ncio_px *)nciop->pvt;
        int status = ENOERR;
        off_t lower;    
        off_t upper;
        char *base;
        size_t diff;
        size_t extent;

        if(to == from)
                return ENOERR; /* NOOP */
        if(fIsSet(rflags, RGN_WRITE) && !fIsSet(nciop->ioflags, NC_WRITE))
                return EPERM; /* attempt to write readonly file */

        rflags &= RGN_NOLOCK; /* filter unwanted flags */

        if(to > from)
                /* growing */
                lower = from;   
                upper = to;
                /* shrinking */
                lower = to;
                upper = from;
        diff = (size_t)(upper - lower);
        extent = diff + nbytes;

fprintf(stderr, "ncio_px_move %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld\n",
                 (long)to, (long)from, (long)nbytes, (long)lower, (long)extent);
        if(extent > pxp->blksz)
                size_t remaining = nbytes;

if(to > from)
                off_t frm = from + nbytes;
                off_t toh = to + nbytes;
                        size_t loopextent = MIN(remaining, pxp->blksz);
                        frm -= loopextent;
                        toh -= loopextent;

                        status = px_double_buffer(nciop, toh, frm,
                                        loopextent, rflags) ;
                        if(status != ENOERR)
                                return status;
                        remaining -= loopextent;

                        if(remaining == 0)
                                break; /* normal loop exit */
                        size_t loopextent = MIN(remaining, pxp->blksz);

                        status = px_double_buffer(nciop, to, from,
                                        loopextent, rflags) ;
                        if(status != ENOERR)
                                return status;
                        remaining -= loopextent;

                        if(remaining == 0)
                                break; /* normal loop exit */
                        to += loopextent;
                        from += loopextent;
                return ENOERR;
fprintf(stderr, "\tncio_px_move small\n");
        status = px_get(nciop, pxp, lower, extent, RGN_WRITE|rflags,
                        (void **)&base);

        if(status != ENOERR)
                return status;

        if(to > from)
                (void) memmove(base + diff, base, nbytes); 
                (void) memmove(base, base + diff, nbytes); 
        (void) px_rel(pxp, lower, RGN_MODIFIED);

        return status;

static int
ncio_px_sync(ncio *const nciop)
        ncio_px *const pxp = (ncio_px *)nciop->pvt;
        int status = ENOERR;
        if(fIsSet(pxp->bf_rflags, RGN_MODIFIED))
                assert(pxp->bf_refcount <= 0);
                status = px_pgout(nciop, pxp->bf_offset,
                        pxp->bf_base, &pxp->pos);
                if(status != ENOERR)
                        return status;
                pxp->bf_rflags = 0;
        return status;

static void
ncio_px_free(void *const pvt)
        ncio_px *const pxp = (ncio_px *)pvt;
        if(pxp == NULL)

        if(pxp->slave != NULL)
                if(pxp->slave->bf_base != NULL)
                        pxp->slave->bf_base = NULL;
                        pxp->slave->bf_extent = 0;
                        pxp->slave->bf_offset = OFF_NONE;
                pxp->slave = NULL;
        if(pxp->bf_base != NULL)
                pxp->bf_base = NULL;
                pxp->bf_extent = 0;
                pxp->bf_offset = OFF_NONE;

static int
ncio_px_init2(ncio *const nciop, size_t *sizehintp, int isNew)
        ncio_px *const pxp = (ncio_px *)nciop->pvt;
        const size_t bufsz = 2 * *sizehintp;

        assert(nciop->fd >= 0);

        pxp->blksz = *sizehintp;

        assert(pxp->bf_base == NULL);

        /* this is separate allocation because it may grow */
        pxp->bf_base = malloc(bufsz);
        if(pxp->bf_base == NULL)
                return ENOMEM;
        /* else */
        pxp->bf_cnt = 0;
                /* save a read */
                pxp->pos = 0;
                pxp->bf_offset = 0;
                pxp->bf_extent = bufsz;
                (void) memset(pxp->bf_base, 0, pxp->bf_extent);
        return ENOERR;

static void
ncio_px_init(ncio *const nciop)
        ncio_px *const pxp = (ncio_px *)nciop->pvt;

        *((ncio_relfunc **)&nciop->rel) = ncio_px_rel; /* cast away const */
        *((ncio_getfunc **)&nciop->get) = ncio_px_get; /* cast away const */
        *((ncio_movefunc **)&nciop->move) = ncio_px_move; /* cast away const */
        *((ncio_syncfunc **)&nciop->sync) = ncio_px_sync; /* cast away const */
        *((ncio_freefunc **)&nciop->free) = ncio_px_free; /* cast away const */

        pxp->blksz = 0;
        pxp->pos = -1;
        pxp->bf_offset = OFF_NONE;
        pxp->bf_extent = 0;
        pxp->bf_rflags = 0;
        pxp->bf_refcount = 0;
        pxp->bf_base = NULL;
        pxp->slave = NULL;


/* Begin spx */

typedef struct ncio_spx {
        off_t pos;
        /* buffer */
        off_t   bf_offset; 
        size_t  bf_extent;
        size_t  bf_cnt;
        void    *bf_base;
} ncio_spx;

static int
ncio_spx_rel(ncio *const nciop, off_t offset, int rflags)
        ncio_spx *const pxp = (ncio_spx *)nciop->pvt;
        int status = ENOERR;

        assert(pxp->bf_offset <= offset);
        assert(pxp->bf_cnt != 0);
        assert(pxp->bf_cnt <= pxp->bf_extent);
#ifdef X_ALIGN
        assert(offset < pxp->bf_offset + X_ALIGN);
        assert(pxp->bf_cnt % X_ALIGN == 0 );

        if(fIsSet(rflags, RGN_MODIFIED))
                if(!fIsSet(nciop->ioflags, NC_WRITE))
                        return EPERM; /* attempt to write readonly file */

                status = px_pgout(nciop, pxp->bf_offset,
                        pxp->bf_base, &pxp->pos);
                /* if error, invalidate buffer anyway */
        pxp->bf_offset = OFF_NONE;
        pxp->bf_cnt = 0;
        return status;

static int
ncio_spx_get(ncio *const nciop,
                off_t offset, size_t extent,
                int rflags,
                void **const vpp)
        ncio_spx *const pxp = (ncio_spx *)nciop->pvt;
        int status = ENOERR;
#ifdef X_ALIGN
        size_t rem;
        if(fIsSet(rflags, RGN_WRITE) && !fIsSet(nciop->ioflags, NC_WRITE))
                return EPERM; /* attempt to write readonly file */

        assert(extent != 0);
        assert(extent < X_INT_MAX); /* sanity check */
        assert(offset < X_INT_MAX); /* sanity check */

        assert(pxp->bf_cnt == 0);

#ifdef X_ALIGN
        rem = (size_t)(offset % X_ALIGN);
        if(rem != 0)
                offset -= rem;
                extent += rem;

                const size_t rndup = extent % X_ALIGN;
                if(rndup != 0)
                        extent += X_ALIGN - rndup;

        assert(offset % X_ALIGN == 0);
        assert(extent % X_ALIGN == 0);

        if(pxp->bf_extent < extent)
                if(pxp->bf_base != NULL)
                        pxp->bf_base = NULL;
                        pxp->bf_extent = 0;
                assert(pxp->bf_extent == 0);
                pxp->bf_base = malloc(extent);
                if(pxp->bf_base == NULL)
                        return ENOMEM;
                pxp->bf_extent = extent;

        status = px_pgin(nciop, offset,
                 &pxp->bf_cnt, &pxp->pos);
        if(status != ENOERR)
                return status;

        pxp->bf_offset = offset;

        if(pxp->bf_cnt < extent)
                pxp->bf_cnt = extent;

#ifdef X_ALIGN
        *vpp = (char *)pxp->bf_base + rem;
        *vpp = pxp->bf_base;
        return ENOERR;

#if 0
static int
strategy(ncio *const nciop, off_t to, off_t offset,
                        size_t extent, int rflags)
        static ncio_spx pxp[1];
        int status = ENOERR;
#ifdef X_ALIGN
        size_t rem;
        assert(extent != 0);
        assert(extent < X_INT_MAX); /* sanity check */
        assert(offset < X_INT_MAX); /* sanity check */
fprintf(stderr, "strategy %ld at %ld to %ld\n",
         (long)extent, (long)offset, (long)to);

#ifdef X_ALIGN
        rem = (size_t)(offset % X_ALIGN);
        if(rem != 0)
                offset -= rem;
                extent += rem;

                const size_t rndup = extent % X_ALIGN;
                if(rndup != 0)
                        extent += X_ALIGN - rndup;

        assert(offset % X_ALIGN == 0);
        assert(extent % X_ALIGN == 0);

        if(pxp->bf_extent < extent)
                if(pxp->bf_base != NULL)
                        pxp->bf_base = NULL;
                        pxp->bf_extent = 0;
                assert(pxp->bf_extent == 0);
                pxp->bf_base = malloc(extent);
                if(pxp->bf_base == NULL)
                        return ENOMEM;
                pxp->bf_extent = extent;

        status = px_pgin(nciop, offset,
                 &pxp->bf_cnt, &pxp->pos);
        if(status != ENOERR)
                return status;

        pxp->bf_offset = to; /* TODO: XALIGN */
        if(pxp->bf_cnt < extent)
                pxp->bf_cnt = extent;

        status = px_pgout(nciop, pxp->bf_offset,
                pxp->bf_base, &pxp->pos);
        /* if error, invalidate buffer anyway */
        pxp->bf_offset = OFF_NONE;
        pxp->bf_cnt = 0;
        return status;

static int
ncio_spx_move(ncio *const nciop, off_t to, off_t from,
                        size_t nbytes, int rflags)
        int status = ENOERR;
        off_t lower = from;     
        off_t upper = to;
        char *base;
        size_t diff = (size_t)(upper - lower);
        size_t extent = diff + nbytes;

        rflags &= RGN_NOLOCK; /* filter unwanted flags */

        if(to == from)
                return ENOERR; /* NOOP */
        if(to > from)
                /* growing */
                lower = from;   
                upper = to;
                /* shrinking */
                lower = to;
                upper = from;

        diff = (size_t)(upper - lower);
        extent = diff + nbytes;

        status = ncio_spx_get(nciop, lower, extent, RGN_WRITE|rflags,
                        (void **)&base);

        if(status != ENOERR)
                return status;

        if(to > from)
                (void) memmove(base + diff, base, nbytes); 
                (void) memmove(base, base + diff, nbytes); 
        (void) ncio_spx_rel(nciop, lower, RGN_MODIFIED);

        return status;

static int
ncio_spx_sync(ncio *const nciop)
        /* NOOP */
        return ENOERR;

static void
ncio_spx_free(void *const pvt)
        ncio_spx *const pxp = (ncio_spx *)pvt;
        if(pxp == NULL)

        if(pxp->bf_base != NULL)
                pxp->bf_base = NULL;
                pxp->bf_offset = OFF_NONE;
                pxp->bf_extent = 0;
                pxp->bf_cnt = 0;

static int
ncio_spx_init2(ncio *const nciop, const size_t *const sizehintp)
        ncio_spx *const pxp = (ncio_spx *)nciop->pvt;

        assert(nciop->fd >= 0);

        pxp->bf_extent = *sizehintp;

        assert(pxp->bf_base == NULL);

        /* this is separate allocation because it may grow */
        pxp->bf_base = malloc(pxp->bf_extent);
        if(pxp->bf_base == NULL)
                pxp->bf_extent = 0;
                return ENOMEM;
        /* else */
        return ENOERR;

static void
ncio_spx_init(ncio *const nciop)
        ncio_spx *const pxp = (ncio_spx *)nciop->pvt;

        *((ncio_relfunc **)&nciop->rel) = ncio_spx_rel; /* cast away const */
        *((ncio_getfunc **)&nciop->get) = ncio_spx_get; /* cast away const */
        *((ncio_movefunc **)&nciop->move) = ncio_spx_move; /* cast away const */
        *((ncio_syncfunc **)&nciop->sync) = ncio_spx_sync; /* cast away const */
        *((ncio_freefunc **)&nciop->free) = ncio_spx_free; /* cast away const */

        pxp->pos = -1;
        pxp->bf_offset = OFF_NONE;
        pxp->bf_extent = 0;
        pxp->bf_cnt = 0;
        pxp->bf_base = NULL;

/* */

static void
ncio_free(ncio *nciop)
        if(nciop == NULL)

        if(nciop->free != NULL)

static ncio *
ncio_new(const char *path, int ioflags)
        size_t sz_ncio = M_RNDUP(sizeof(ncio));
        size_t sz_path = M_RNDUP(strlen(path) +1);
        size_t sz_ncio_pvt;
        ncio *nciop;
        fSet(ioflags, NC_SHARE);

        if(fIsSet(ioflags, NC_SHARE))
                sz_ncio_pvt = sizeof(ncio_spx);
                sz_ncio_pvt = sizeof(ncio_px);

        nciop = (ncio *) malloc(sz_ncio + sz_path + sz_ncio_pvt);
        if(nciop == NULL)
                return NULL;
        nciop->ioflags = ioflags;
        *((int *)&nciop->fd) = -1; /* cast away const */

        nciop->path = (char *) ((char *)nciop + sz_ncio);
        (void) strcpy((char *)nciop->path, path); /* cast away const */

                                /* cast away const */
        *((void **)&nciop->pvt) = (void *)(nciop->path + sz_path);

        if(fIsSet(ioflags, NC_SHARE))

        return nciop;

/* Public below this point */

#define NCIO_MAXBLOCKSIZE 268435456 /* sanity check, about X_SIZE_T_MAX/8 */

#ifdef S_IRUSR


ncio_create(const char *path, int ioflags,
        size_t initialsz,
        off_t igeto, size_t igetsz, size_t *sizehintp,
        ncio **nciopp, void **const igetvpp)
        ncio *nciop;
        int oflags = (O_RDWR|O_CREAT);
        int fd;
        int status;

        if(initialsz < (size_t)igeto + igetsz)
                initialsz = (size_t)igeto + igetsz;

        fSet(ioflags, NC_WRITE);

        if(path == NULL || *path == 0)
                return EINVAL;

        nciop = ncio_new(path, ioflags);
        if(nciop == NULL)
                return ENOMEM;

        if(fIsSet(ioflags, NC_NOCLOBBER))
                fSet(oflags, O_EXCL);
                fSet(oflags, O_TRUNC);
#ifdef O_BINARY
        fSet(oflags, O_BINARY);
#ifdef vms
        fd = open(path, oflags, NC_DEFAULT_CREAT_MODE, "ctx=stm");
        /* Should we mess with the mode based on NC_SHARE ?? */
        fd = open(path, oflags, NC_DEFAULT_CREAT_MODE);
#if 0
        (void) fprintf(stderr, "ncio_create(): path=\"%s\"\n", path);
        (void) fprintf(stderr, "ncio_create(): oflags=0x%x\n", oflags);
        if(fd < 0)
                status = errno;
                goto unwind_new;
        *((int *)&nciop->fd) = fd; /* cast away const */

        if(*sizehintp < NCIO_MINBLOCKSIZE || *sizehintp > NCIO_MAXBLOCKSIZE)
                /* Use default */
                *sizehintp = blksize(fd);
                *sizehintp = M_RNDUP(*sizehintp);

        if(fIsSet(nciop->ioflags, NC_SHARE))
                status = ncio_spx_init2(nciop, sizehintp);
                status = ncio_px_init2(nciop, sizehintp, 1);

        if(status != ENOERR)
                goto unwind_open;

        if(initialsz != 0)
                status = fgrow(fd, (off_t)initialsz);
                if(status != ENOERR)
                        goto unwind_open;

        if(igetsz != 0)
                status = nciop->get(nciop,
                                igeto, igetsz,
                if(status != ENOERR)
                        goto unwind_open;

        *nciopp = nciop;
        return ENOERR;

        (void) close(fd);
        /* ?? unlink */
        return status;

ncio_open(const char *path,
        int ioflags,
        off_t igeto, size_t igetsz, size_t *sizehintp,
        ncio **nciopp, void **const igetvpp)
        ncio *nciop;
        int oflags = fIsSet(ioflags, NC_WRITE) ? O_RDWR : O_RDONLY;
        int fd;
        int status;

        if(path == NULL || *path == 0)
                return EINVAL;

        nciop = ncio_new(path, ioflags);
        if(nciop == NULL)
                return ENOMEM;

#ifdef O_BINARY
        fSet(oflags, O_BINARY);
#ifdef vms
        fd = open(path, oflags, 0, "ctx=stm");
        fd = open(path, oflags, 0);
        if(fd < 0)
                status = errno;
                goto unwind_new;
        *((int *)&nciop->fd) = fd; /* cast away const */

        if(*sizehintp < NCIO_MINBLOCKSIZE || *sizehintp > NCIO_MAXBLOCKSIZE)
                /* Use default */
                *sizehintp = blksize(fd);
                *sizehintp = M_RNDUP(*sizehintp);

        if(fIsSet(nciop->ioflags, NC_SHARE))
                status = ncio_spx_init2(nciop, sizehintp);
                status = ncio_px_init2(nciop, sizehintp, 0);

        if(status != ENOERR)
                goto unwind_open;

        if(igetsz != 0)
                status = nciop->get(nciop,
                                igeto, igetsz,
                if(status != ENOERR)
                        goto unwind_open;

        *nciopp = nciop;
        return ENOERR;

        (void) close(fd);
        return status;

ncio_close(ncio *nciop, int doUnlink)
        int status = ENOERR;

        if(nciop == NULL)
                return EINVAL;

        status = nciop->sync(nciop);

        (void) close(nciop->fd);
                (void) unlink(nciop->path);


        return status;