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Error in nf90_get_att

In netcdf_attributes.f90 all of the integer and real get_att routines
have the following form

nf90_get_att_FourByteInt = 
nf_get_att_int(ncid, varid, name, nf90_int, size(values), values)

The nf_get_att_XXX routines take only four arguments so this should be
nf_get_att_int(ncid, varid, name, values) 
and similarly for all the others.


Martin Dix

CSIRO Atmospheric Research                Phone: +61 3 9239 4533
Private Bag No. 1, Aspendale                Fax: +61 3 9239 4444
Victoria 3195  Australia                  Email: address@hidden