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19990305: converting from NetCDF to gempak grid files


you can obtain the netCDF library source at:

NetCDF storage is device independent, so you can use the same
programs to access data from the cdf file on any platform.

Attatched to this message is some source code I used to
extract data from a cdf reanalysis data set and store 
as a gempak grid file. Since the metadata is stored in a cdf file,
reading the data typically involves querying the dataset to find
out what the ids are for the parameters you are interested in,
discovering the data dimensions, and retrieving the data.

When you build the netcdf library, you will also build a program
called ncdump. You can use the ncdump program to create an
ascii dump out of the cdf file, to see how the data is stored-
data variable names etc. for writing your program.

Man pages on the fortran interface routines are in the
tarfile distribution, and the user guide is included also.

Steve Chiswell
Unidata User SUpport

Attachment: dcreanal.tar.Z
Description: binary/compressed