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Re: 19990105: Re: ncvgt subroutines


>Date: 5 Jan 1999 10:22:02 -0500
>From: "Steve Mauget" <address@hidden>
>Organization: USDA/ARS
>To: "Steve Emmerson" <address@hidden>
>Subject: Re: 19981231: Re: ncvgt sub
>Keywords: 199812301538.IAA00805

In the above message, you wrote:

>      Your right, when I run ftest the ncvgt call with sarray argument
> in tncvgt appears to run properly. But when I look for nfconfig.inc it
> is nowhere to be found.  When I'm in /src "find . -name nfconfig.inc"
> returns nothing, and it is not in /usr/local/include, where the
> locally installed include files are kept ( like netcdf.inc ). This
> is the first I've ever heard of it...no sign of it in the Fortran
> interface examples in the manual. Should it be somewhere under /src ?

Oops!  My mistake.  The file "nfconfig.inc" is new to the latest
release.  Sorry.  :-(

I suggest that you get the latest release so we're both working with the
same package.  It's available at


The instructions for building the package are in the file INSTALL.  Use
the example in that file that's closest to your system.  Don't forget to
have the FFLAGS environment variable contain the string "-mismatch".

If the latest package also "fails" in the same way (i.e. fortran/ftest
succeeds but your program fails) then investigate the stuff I
mentioned in my last message (i.e. ncvgt() in fortran/ftest.f and
the file fortran/nfconfig.inc).

Steve Emmerson   <http://www.unidata.ucar.edu>