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Re: 19980921 netcdf for windows nt

-----Original Message-----
From: Mariusz Pagowski <address@hidden>
To: John Caron <address@hidden>
Date: Thursday, September 24, 1998 6:46 PM
Subject: Re: 19980921 netcdf for windows nt

>On Thu, 24 Sep 1998, John Caron wrote:
>> Somewhere you are redefining cl. 
>> Are you running from Dos prompt, or in the MKS shell?
>> if from the shell, check aliases (just type "alias" at shell prompt) 
>> to see if you redefine cl ??
>I  tried both : running form dos prompt and mks shell - with same
>result. There is no sign that  cl  is redefined when  I write alias,
if you enter this from the command line, what happens:

  cl /nologo /W3 /FD /MT /O2 /D "NDEBUG" /D "DLL_NETCDF" /D "DLL_EXPORT" /c 

if that works ok, then why doesnt:
  cl $(CFLAGS) /c $*.c

from nmake?

You say you are getting:

        cl /nologo /W3 /FD /MT          /O2 /D "NDEBUG" /D "DLL_NETCDF" /c 
        cl /nologo /W3 /FD /MT          /O2 /D "NDEBUG" /D "DLL_NETCDF" /D 
"DLL_EXPORT" t_nc.obj netcdf.lib /o t_nc.exe

this implies that the .c.obj rule is being overridden, or it could be cl or 
CFLAGS or ? being redefined somewhere. 

You need to try trial and error until you find it. There is something in your 
environment that I cant duplicate.
Perhaps someone else at your site can look over your shoulder.