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Re: 980521: Doubts about NetCDF Win32

Hi Jose:

>Dear Sir,
>I am trying to link a fortran program (the POM model) with the NetCDF
>library on a Intergraph-TD400 workstation under Windows NT-4.0 using
>the Fortran Power Station 4.0 and Microsoft Visual Basic 4.0.

Is "Fortran Power Station 4.0 " your Fortran compiler? Who makes it? Currently
we have tested only under Digital Visual Fortran.

>I got the library 'netcdf.lib' and 'netcdf.dll' from Win32 packages,

Did you get these from Unidata's ftp site? Exactly which file did you get them?
The current 3.4 versions are:

  netcdf-3.4.makvc5.zip    (Make files)
  netcdf-3.4.win32bin.zip    (binaries)

>included the file 'netcdf.inc' in my 'putcdf' routine, and tried to
>link as: fl32 -o pom pom.f /netcdf.lib
>Unfortunately, the program is not linking and give me the message that
>it doesn't recognize the netcdf functions, for example:
>        'unresolved external symbol: _NCRRE@16'

Is netcdf.dll in a directory in your PATH?

>Can you give me any hint about linking the netcdf library under Windows
>for 32-bit machines? Am I doing something wrong or missing any steps?
>How can I use the netcdf.dll if required?
>I have never linked this library under Windows NT before, I have done it
>under Unix for Digital Alpha and SGI worksations with no problems. Any
>suggestion or recommedation that you can give will be very helpful.
>Best regards,
>Jose A. Lima

I'm not familiar with the fl32 command, which I assume is part of your Fortran
development kit, so I can't double check that command's options.

I would:
    1) double check your link line options are correct. Do a trivial test
program first if you havent done this before.
    2) try linking to the static library (netcdfs.lib) from
    3) try recompiling and rebuilding the libraries. You can use the Makefiles
"msoft.mak" (dynamic) or "msofts.mak" (static) as starting points, and modify as
needed for your compiler. The static version is easier to work with in some

Good luck, and let me know how it goes.

John Caron, Unidata