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Re: 980316: Fortran interface on win95

>To: address@hidden
>From: Richard Signell <address@hidden>
>Subject: Fortran interface on win95
>Organization: U.S. Geological Survey
>Keywords: 199803161803.LAA21871
> Guys,
> If I buy DIGITAL VISUAL FORTRAN, can I just link my apps
> with one of the .dll files on the unidata ftp site, or will
> I need to buy Microsoft C as well so I can build the fortran
> interface part?  I couldn't figure this out from the README
> stuff on the Web/FTP site...
> Thanks,
> - --
> Rich Signell               |  address@hidden
> U.S. Geological Survey     |  (508) 457-2229  |  FAX (508) 457-2310
> 384 Woods Hole Road        |  http://crusty.er.usgs.gov/rsignell.html
> Woods Hole, MA  02543-1598 |

The only dll currently on our ftp site is
contributed by Steve Simpson.

This is just the C interface, as if one ran 'make' in libsrc.
So, you couldn't just link FORTRAN programs against it.

However, someone here has been assigned to build the (entire) 3.4
release on win32. It would make sense for us to make the resulting DLL
available. When we do that, you would be able to just link FORTRAN programs
against that.
