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Re: Availability of NCAR software

On Dec 17, 11:14am, Carol Hopkins wrote:
> Subject: Availability of NCAR software
> Hello,
> I work at AES where we maintain the anonymous ftp server
> for the NEC user community.  I have received a request
> from HNSX to put netcdf, on the anonymous ftp server.
> Before doing so, I thought that I should check with you
> to make sure that you agree with this.  I was also a bit
> concerned about the politics and wanted to make sure that
> there wasn't any perception of inappropriateness.
> Please advise.
> Regards,
> --
> Carol
>-- End of excerpt from Carol Hopkins


We encourage netcdf users to share code and binaries.
Having machine specific binaries available on sites such
as yours actually saves us effort.

I would probably be a good idea to include some sort of
reference to the netcdf home page,
with your distribution or in your README, so that
folks could track the source release if they wish to.

Let me know the URL of the NEC binary, and we will add a reference
to it in our netcdf area.

Thank you.
